Today was probably one of the longest commute delays that I've faced in recent years. After I left Temple to go home around 2:30 I found that the subway station was closed. Puzzled, I went to the southbound side, hoping to catch an express train North. I found that the other side was also closed. In order to get back to my car I would have to catch the bus.
It turned out that police officers had shot a man who pulled a gun on them at one of the police stations earlier in the day. Unfortunately every bus that went by was completely full. Either some bus drivers stopped to let people off and a hand full on, or they didn't stop at all (sometimes running a red light). It wasn't until nearly an hour later that I was able to run up to one bus that was unloading passengers to get on. I then had a twenty minute ride on a completely packed bus to the subway stop just after the shooting's location.
The platform was crowded but I was able to squeeze into an express train. Unlike the bus, the ride back to the transportation center took less than five minutes. Now I have to scramble to get ready for work and I'll probably face a long driving commute since it has just started to really snow. (The snowfall is expected to be light but it only takes a small amount during rush hour to create a real mess.) Looks like I won't be able to do any of homework; it's amazing what an hour's difference on a cold day can make. As for the guy who was shot well, pulling a gun on a police officer is like running up to an angry mother bear with cubs. You should know that you're going to get hurt, or worse.