(no subject)

Nov 23, 2008 09:57

This place is going to drive me crazy. I hate doing chores right after waking up, but there are sixteen birds to take care of in the mornings and they're basically all my responsibility. I got up at around 8:30, put on some boots and a coat to let out the chickens, then crawled back into bed for an hour to read and try to warm up. I still need to feed and water the parrots, clean their cages, and melt the chickens' water, but I wanted to get online first because I won't be able to get to the computer again once everyone else wakes up. It is a prized commodity in this house, and people will just line up and watch you use it until you leave. I can't blog under those conditions. Apparently Dad is going to buy a new router on Black Friday, two days before I leave. That will be nice for Christmas break, I guess, but right now it's killing me not to have the Internet at my fingertips. I don't know, maybe this will help break my Internet addiction.

Chloe was so adorable yesterday. Jessica and Kevin showed up to the party after I made that post, and Chloe was all over Kevin giving him love. She got in his face and trilled at him, and kept rubbing her face on his. Eventually she got bored of that and decided that what she really wanted to do was clean Jessica's teeth. She'd peck at Jessica's lips until she started laughing, and then she'd stick her head in her mouth. Kiwi, being Kiwi, wanted nothing to do with any of this, and just stood on his perch and glared at everyone until Dad gave him peanuts.

Tomorrow I think Dan is going to make me go to school with him so he doesn't have to drive all the way there and back by himself. I guess I'll go because I don't have anything better to do, but I'm not too happy about it. I might be able to get some writing done while he's in class. I promised people a draft a week ago, but they still need some work and I can't write well at home because my mother makes me feel so guilty when I'm home and not spending time with her.

nablopomo, dragons, pets, family, writing, friends

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