(no subject)

Nov 24, 2008 14:53

I spent the day at college with Dan. I couldn't get Internet access there either, but I did get some writing done while he was in class. I feel accomplished. Also tired, since I had to get up at 5:40 to get there on time. His campus is so nice compared to mine. There are a ton of computer labs and study areas, and people actually use them. Apart from the library, I can't think of a single place on my campus where students actually gather to study at my school. My school is nice and we have really good programs, but we fail in terms of student comfort. I hear they're planning on knocking down our main student building and building a student union, but that's just a rumor at the moment. It would be nice to have, though.

Still no wireless here. Dad and Dan actually went out and bought a new router, and it's still not working. I can't imagine what the problem is.  I'm going to go crazy without it. I'm even having trouble writing, because I need to do a lot of research and I've gotten in the habit of Googling as I write, instead of doing my research and writing seperately. It's really frustrating when I hit a snag and reach for the Firefox icon only to remember that it doesn't work and I have to switch to a whole new computer to answer my question.  EDIT: Yay!  I turned on my laptop, and it's working!  No more slow computer!

college, nablopomo, dragons, computers, writing

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