Demon Dean - Chapter Four

Jun 22, 2014 16:44

Title: Demon Dean - Chapter Four
Author: sil9800
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel
Pairing: GEN - None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/contains: Adult Language and Violence
Word count: 8000

Summary: Picks up immediately after 9x23 "Do You Believe in Miracles." As Dean slowly realizes what's happened and what he's become, Team Free Will is gutted by the loss of Dean's humanity and must figure out how to save him while also dealing with Cas' fading grace. All comments welcome and encouraged! WIP - Updates to follow every few days.

A/N: I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far and that you also enjoyed Gabriel's return as well! Unfortunately, I need to announce that due to moving at the end of this month, I will not be able to post as regularly as I have been, until after we are moved in. As always, If you are so inclined, I would really appreciate hearing your thoughts on the story as it progresses. As I'm sure all you writers out there know, it really helps me gauge where to steer things when I know what's landing with the reader and what's not. Also, being new to LJ, I'm not real sure where tastes run here within the context of the Gen genre. Of course, it also motivates me to get more published too! So if you have a few minutes, I'd really appreciate the feedback! Thanks!

Previous Chapters:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

**DISCLAIMER** I do not own Supernatural or any of the characters portrayed on the show and make no profit from this storytelling; however, I do have the utmost respect for those that do!

As much as Dean missed his Baby, being able to just zap himself from town to town could be pretty damned convenient. However, he still needed to get around whatever town he was in, so right now he was sitting in the dump of a car he had stolen from across town, still clinging to the Blade with one hand, hanging up the phone with the other, and trying to shake the memory of what had happened not even an hour before. In fact, that was the real reason he had called Sam in the first place. It had been so close, he remembered. A man almost died as a result of the bloodlust that raged through every fiber of his being now.

The vamp nest itself had been easy; they never stood a chance against the deadly combination of the Mark, the Blade, and his own demonic rage. With each kill Dean felt a mix of satisfaction that he had brought death to another monster, and excitement and anticipation for the next one in line. But the human pet they kept for feeding "emergencies" had stupidly tried to get in the way. Dean now assumed the man was sympathetic to the nest in some twisted, sick kind of way, but when he had jumped on Dean's back trying to prevent him from getting to the leader of the nest, Dean had flipped him over the top of his head and onto the ground. In an instant Dean had the Blade within half an inch of the man's beating heart. If another vamp hadn't hit Dean from the side and knocked him over when he did, that human would have been dead. Of that, Dean was absolutely certain. It shook him that it had come so close. It wasn't until Dean had already killed four vamps (and severely injured two more that had fled for their lives), that Dean even noticed the last one wasn't a vamp at all!. The man he'd almost killed had scampered into a corner whimpering and whining, but also watching as Dean pummelled and decapitated almost every single member of his "family," and witnessed the exhilaration and wild enthusiasm in Dean's every movement and outburst. However, as was always the case with every human and monster alike, what had frightened him the most was when he saw the eyes. The empty, hollow, blacker-than-midnight eyes. After finally realizing he had almost killed a human, Dean was grateful his murderous thirst had been satisfied.

Dean walked over to the man and knelt down to eye level. The man had recoiled and tried to get away, but there was nowhere left to go. Dean just looked at him and said "It's OK, I'm not going to hurt you."

"What!? You almost KILLED me!" He said. "You DID kill my family!"

The anger began to swell again and Dean started yelling, "IDIOT! They were NOT your family! They were vampires, you're a human. They may have kept you alive, but they also fed off you, used you, and God only knows what else! They were NEVER your family! GOT IT?!"

"Yeah, ok, I got it!" and paused before then asking, "And what are YOU?"

Trying to calm down again, Dean said, "All you need to know is that I'm not going to kill you, and the reason I'm not going to kill you is because you're human. BUT, you see these eyes right?" The man nodded as he looked away, "They look like that because I'm NOT human, understand?" More nodding. "Now, there are people out there looking for me that I'm not ready to see yet. So after I leave, I really don't give a crap what you do, except you're not going to tell anyone anything about me. Capisce? No one! No doctor or shrink, no FBI agents or any other law-types, Got it?" Still nodding. "Because if you do… well, then I guess you'll be seeing these eyes again." That seemed to scare the guy sufficiently enough, so Dean stood up, walked to the car and then drove away. still holding the dripping, bloody Blade in his hand.

However, he soon began doubting the guy would be able to keep his mouth shut, so Dean thought about calling Sam - for about the hundredth time. It wasn't like he didn't miss his brother, and he knew Sam would be worried about him; Sam couldn't get through a single day without worrying about something! But Dean needed time to wrap his head around what had happened and what he had become. His mind kept flashing between the fear on that man's face when he saw the eyes, and the horror on Sam's face the first time he had seen them. That's what really kept him away. He had to figure out how to live like this, and he couldn't do that with Sam constantly looking at him like that. What else would be written on Sam’s face had he stayed? Pity? Fear? Contempt? Maybe even Hate? He was wrong, of course, but to his thinking, Sam would probably feel all those things and more because after all, that's how he felt about himself.

But today brought to light the one thing that kept pushing him to return to his brother as well: Dean needed a moral center to grab onto. A light he'd always be able to see through the murderous fog his demon eyes painted over everything else. So he finally broke down and called.

After he hung up, Dean got out of the car, entered the motel room, and went straight to the sink to wash the blood off the Blade. Exhausted from the hunt and the adrenalin rush that flooded his body as a result, all he wanted in that moment was to shower and crash! He didn't need to sleep anymore, but he did need to decompress and think through his next steps. He opened the safe in the motel room and locked the Blade inside. Turning the shower on, he waited for the water to begin steaming, then undressed and stepped inside, letting all the stress and emotion run down the drain, along with the blood and guts the vamps had left behind.

He was glad he had called Sam, really he was, but the result of that call was the exact opposite of what he had hoped. He wanted to reconnect with his humanity, but knowing that was impossible, he reached out for the next best thing: Sam's. However, after finding out about Metatron and learning he had a chance to end that S.O.B., instead of seeing humanity again, all he could see was every which way he wanted to get the job done. He imagined every single possibility he could come up with, including many he could never have conceived of before.

It wasn't Sam's fault. He had no way of knowing why Dean had called, what had happened, or what he needed. On the one hand, he relished and savored the idea of killing Metatron! On the other hand, he feared it. What would the NEXT big thing be? Would anyone dare get in his way? Would Cas? Or worse, would Sam? Would he hurt them if they did? He couldn't help but wonder if anyone could stop him, but would they try? Even if it meant killing him? Well, he guessed someone had tried that already.

He stepped out of the shower towards the mirror and wiped the steam off with his hand and saw his own green eyes staring back at him and said, "Yeah, let's try to keep ‘em that way for a while this time." He grabbed his watch from the counter and looked at the time. It was too late to travel tonight, so he got dressed and headed out for a drink… or 10.


After making a run to a local spice shop for the ingredients Cas and Gabriel would need for the spell, it had gotten late and Sam was dead tired. The angels made their way back to the portal, telling Sam if all went well, they would be back with Metatron the next night. So Sam fixed something for dinner and sat down in front of his laptop to see if he could find Dean by using the number he had called from earlier. The number was traced to a company that manufactured many of the "burner" phones that could be bought at any convenience store. He called the company and made up some BS excuse to get them to turn the GPS on, but they told him the phone couldn't be located, which could only mean that Dean had destroyed it right after talking to him. The last reported coordinates put it in New York City two days ago, where the phone was purchased and turned on. Dean most likely turned the GPS off immediately and would be anywhere but New York City now, so Dean was officially lost to him, again!

With that realization, Sam closed the computer and went to take a quick shower before bed. While waiting for the water to warm, he did a quick 20 pull-ups on the bar he had installed in the doorway and undressed. While rinsing the day's stress away, he remembered once again that he really needed to get inked with an anti-possession tattoo again soon, and then that led his thoughts back to Dean again as he wondered if his brother could possess him now? And what other powers does he have? He remembered a long time ago, Ruby had said that although she could still remember being human, most demons couldn't. He didn't know if Ruby was lying to him about that in an effort to manipulate him, or not, but he hoped it was true. It was comforting to think maybe Dean remembered too. Sam had to believe there was still hope for his brother, they had been through too much together to have it all end now, not like this!

As he stepped out of the shower and dried off it hit him again that he still had so many questions! He wanted to help his brother deal with this and make plans to beat this thing together! If only Dean would give him the chance! Well, he thought, maybe his coming home soon would provide just that. Then, just like he had done every night since the day his brother died, he vowed that even if it was the last thing he ever did, he was going to save his brother!


Somehow Cas and Gabriel managed to sneak back into Cas' heavenly hiding place with no one the wiser and began planning their mission.

"How are you feeling Castiel?" Gabriel asked, "We don't know what kind of resistance we may run into tomorrow so you need to be sharp!"

"I haven't done anything that I know of to deplete my grace, I've been very careful!" Cas proudly replied, "But now that you mention it, I do feel a little tired."

"You've been using it up by just existing on borrowed time brainiac! I better check and if it's as low as I suspect, I'm gonna have to charge you back up again pal. Since you're conscious this time you might as well know, this is going to hurt, a LOT! Which means you're going to need time to recover, so I'd better do it now."

Gabriel broke off a branch from a nearby tree and gave it to Cas saying, "Here, bite down on this and try not to squirm… or scream… or pass out!"

Cas made sure Gabriel was done with his admonitions before bracing himself against the tree while Gabriel grabbed his shoulder with one hand and reached inside, just below his sternum with the other. Cas' grace began to shine through and then started fading quickly as his knees began to buckle. Gabriel had to work fast, so he shoved Cas against the tree knowing he didn't have a second to spare and hoping that would help prop him up. Gabriel's eyes then began to glow a brilliant blue as he worked and then shortly thereafter he helped his brother to the hammock to rest.


As usual, Sam woke up at the crack of dawn and changed into his running shorts, sneakers, and a t-shirt. He then began warming up by stretching and jogging in place, then headed upstairs to go outside.

"Ha! You’re so damned predictable!" Sam heard and jerked his head up to see his brother standing at the top of the stairs leading up from the bunker's door.

"DEAN!" Sam said, wanting to embrace his brother, but having no idea if that would be welcomed or not. "I thought you were going to call!"
Without a second’s thought Dean replied, "What? Got a hot chick down there you don't want me to see?"

"No! Of course not!” Sam said, “But when did you get here? And why didn't you come inside?" Sam asked.

Dean slapped the wall and said "Warded against all kinds of evil, remember? Guess that includes me now."

Sam just shook his head and said, "This just isn't right man. This just shouldn't have ever happened."

They each just stood there for a minute, letting that statement hang there in the truth of it, with tears beginning to wet their eyes. Relieved that neither of them had to act tough, trusting each other with their own vulnerabilities, and reassured that the bond they share would always get them through, they moved towards each other in the same instant with arms stretched wide, until finally they embraced each other again!

demon!dean, demon dean, supernatural, season 10, gen, dean, castiel, fanfic, gabriel, sam

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