Demon Dean - Chapter Three

Jun 20, 2014 15:38

Title: Demon Dean - Chapter Three
Author: sil9800
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Crowley, Undisclosed
Pairing: GEN - None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/contains: Adult Language and Violence
Word count: 5713

Summary: Picks up immediately after 9x23 "Do You Believe in Miracles." As Dean slowly realizes what's happened and what he's become, Team Free Will is gutted by the loss of Dean's humanity and must figure out how to save him while also dealing with Cas' fading grace. All comments welcome and encouraged! WIP - Updates to follow every few days.

Author's Note: Thank you to everyone that has previously left comments on the first two chapters. Chapter Three will add a new character to the story, but I didn't want to disclose it in the header so it would be a surprise when you read it. Hope you all enjoy and please let me know what you think!

Chapter One
Chapter Two

**DISCLAIMER** I do not have any ownership stake in Supernatural or the characters portrayed on the show, and I am making no profit from this story, however, I do have the utmost respect for those that do write and create this show we all love so much!

Sam pushed his hair back with both hands, trying to wrap his mind around the fact that not only was his brother a demon now, but also that he had just disappeared from right in front of his eyes! They had no idea what Dean was capable of, and that was precisely why they had to find him! Sam had to make sure his brother didn’t do anything he would later regret. And that's when it hit him... the Blade! Sam and Cas searched everywhere for it, but just like Dean himself, it also was nowhere to be found. Desperate now, Sam asked if Cas could find him.

The angel sighed, “Even if he weren’t warded, with so little grace left, I couldn’t even try. I don't know Sam, maybe Crowley can track him down.” So they headed to the dungeon where Crowley was still in his own set of demon cuffs inside a devil's trap.

Crowley looked up to find Sam and Cas coming into the room, without Dean. “Let me guess, family pet ran away?”

“Not even a little funny." Sam said.

Crowley sighed, "I tried to warn you Moose."

"Well good on you Crowley!” Sam sarcastically replied, “Now, can you find him?" Sam asked.

“He’s got the bloody Mark of Cain gentlemen! I can’t just spit out precise coordinates with the demon lojack system!" Crowley said showing his own frustration, "However, there is a spell that locates the source of the Blade’s power, the Mark. In fact, that’s how Dean and I found Cain in the first place, but you’ll have to let me out to find the ingredients, they’re very rare, and difficult to find.”

Sam and Cas looked at each other, but with neither able to come up with a better idea, Sam grabbed the keys and released Crowley from the demon cuffs and broke the devil’s trap.

“Get the ingredients and come right back!” Sam said.

“Of course!” Crowley said, as he snapped his fingers to disappear before they could change their minds.

Completely frustrated now, Sam let out a primal scream, “ARRGH! There’s no way he’s coming back, and Dean’s not going to be found until he wants to be found! Even if Crowley could find him with the spell, Dean will just keep moving around until Crowley finally gives up. That’s what I’d do!”

“I’m sure you’re right Sam.” Cas agreed, “What do you want to do now?”

“All I know is that I can’t give up trying,” Sam said stating the obvious, “but Cas, we’ve got to come up with a way to help him once we do find him. In order to do that you need to see what you can get out of Metatron. Maybe if you can get your grace back, and could heal Dean of his wounds, he’d want to come back for that. Meanwhile, I guess I’ll look for him down here.”

With a plan now in place Cas said, “Ok Sam, good luck! If you need anything, pray for me and I’ll get back down here as quickly as I can.”

“Thanks, good luck to you too!” Sam said, “Oh, and Cas?” Sam asked as Cas started for the stairs, “Regardless of what it could do for Dean, I really hope you can get your grace back for YOU too. We need you around man, more than ever!”

That meant a lot to Cas, especially coming from Sam. Cas had always shared a special bond with Dean, but since they had expelled Gadreel, Cas and Sam had grown close as well. There had been times in the past, especially when he was fighting the war in heaven, that Cas felt the boys only needed him to do things for them. Of course, they were human and couldn’t quite comprehend angelic civil war, but it was nice to feel appreciated now, to feel wanted! Not just for what you could do, but for who you are. Cas didn’t always understand that feeling, but his brief time as a human gave him a much deeper understanding of human emotion that his angelic existence could not afford. Now, with his grace almost gone, he was feeling more human every day. On his way back to the portal, Cas wondered what the boys would do without him if he weren’t able to solve the problem of his fading grace in time.

When Cas had arrived in heaven, Hannah was there to greet him.

“Castiel, what’s wrong?” she asked, rushing to him just in time to catch him before he collapsed.


"Time to wake up sleepyhead." Cas heard a familiar voice say as he slowly came to, but when he finally opened his eyes, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing! Was he dreaming? Was his mind playing tricks on him? Or was HE playing a trick on him?

"Gabriel?" He asked.

"Ah! He lives! You had us worried there for a while." Gabriel said.

"What's going on? Where am I?” He asked, “Is this real?" Cas tried to sit up to look at his surroundings. He recognized it immediately as the eternal Tuesday afternoon in the heaven of an autistic man that Cas always enjoyed retreating to when he needed to be alone with his thoughts.

"I think you know where you are. I discovered this little gem when I was in your mind, and yes, it's real, I'm real, and you're in real trouble my friend."

Still shaking the cobwebs loose and not sure what to believe, Cas asked, "What happened?"

"Well first, you collapsed! Then Hannah put an A.P.B. out on angel radio for anyone that could help, preferably an archangel with the juice to do whatever needed to be done. And well, I guess I couldn't just let you die, so here we are."

"What did you do Gabriel?"

"Don't get too excited there big boy, I just recharged your grace a bit. It's not a permanent fix, but it'll help for a while." And indeed, Cas did feel better.

"Gabriel, I have to get to Metatron to see if he can help with my grace, and to see if anything can be done to open heaven's gates again and get our wings back." Cas said as he tried to get out of the hammock Gabriel had laid him in to rest.

"No, what you need to do is just relax for a while. Metadork is already being taken care of. Hannah found heaven's best 'specialist,' so to speak. But so far, he hasn't said anything. Supposedly, without Daddy's word juicing him up, he's just another angel, but there's something else going on there Cas. I don't know what it is, but he's able to withstand more than any normal angel would."

Cas thought about that for a while. He knew what heaven's "specialists" were capable of and he doubted even an archangel could withstand that kind of torture. Then he thought about Dean and wondered if Metatron would be able to endure his particular brand of persuasion.

Cas also wondered if Gabriel knew about Dean and what he had done, what he had become? "Gabriel, I need to tell you about Dean. If what you say about Metatron is true, he may be the only one that can get what we need now." Cas then told Gabriel everything he knew, up to and including Dean's price for extracting the information they needed.

"Wait, he did WHAT?! He took the Mark of freakin Cain? The father of MURDER!" Gabriel whistled through his teeth and said, "Wow! Only a Winchester could think 'nothing left to lose' included his own humanity!"

"We've got to get the angels home Gabriel. They've got no business being on earth. They're confused and don't know how to live among humans. I've also got an idea about my grace, but again, it all depends on giving Dean access to Metatron."

"Well, there's no way the angels are going to allow a demon to torture one of their own, even if it does help them in the long run! So, barring that, it sounds like we need to stage a prison break my friend!"


It had now been weeks since Dean had disappeared, and Sam was becoming more than just a little worried. He was frantically searching everywhere for him. He checked out various safe houses they both knew, and some he only suspected. He searched the internet for use of any of their aliases, or hunts he thought Dean might have been interested in, and in sheer desperation, he even went by Lisa and Ben's to peek in there. Nothing! And just as he had suspected, even Crowley had given up!

On his way back to the bunker after a late-night grocery run Sam noticed Cas' pimpmobile parked nearby, with two people inside. He instantly recognized the driver as Cas, but the other guy looked only vaguely familiar. “Noooo!” he said to himself, “It couldn't be!”

"Cas!" Sam yelled over to him. "Is that who I think it is?"

Gabriel then got out of the car and said, "Hey Sam, good to see ya pal! Say, why don't we get ourselves inside your super-secret hidaway here so we're not quite as exposed!"

"Gabriel! Yeah, yeah, of course!" Sam said as he led them inside the bunker.

Once inside they caught each other up. It didn't take long for Sam to explain he was no closer to finding Dean than he was the day Cas had left. It took a bit longer for the angels to catch him up on what was going on in heaven.

Gabriel continued, "So Sam, if we're going to break Metatron out of heaven, we're going to need a spell of some kind. We've transferred almost everyone with any kind of thinking power at all away from the prison, but we had to keep some in place to make sure he didn't break out on his own! Those that are left, we're going to have to subdue somehow. Obviously, we don't want to kill any angels getting him out, so we were hoping we could find something in this Wikipedia you've got down here that could help."

And with that, the researching began. Hours and hours passed with nothing to show for it. Sam couldn't help but think about how this was usually the time they would ask Kevin to find something in the Angel Tablet, but Kevin wasn't here anymore, and it was Sam’s hand that killed him. He looked down at those hands and shook his head. Damn he missed that kid!

"I need a break guys, anyone want something to eat?" Sam asked, but of course they both declined. They were angels after all, and didn't need to eat, but Cas had followed him into the kitchen anyway and asked Sam if he was alright.

Avoiding the question entirely, Sam asked his own, "Shouldn't I be asking you that? How's the power-up Gabriel gave you working out?" Sam asked.

"So far so good, I feel good anyway, but I haven't really had a chance to test it out since I'm trying to keep a low profile to both preserve the grace that's left and to keep heaven from knowing where I am or what I'm up to. Somehow we've got to get word to Dean though, to let him know we're bringing Metatron down."

Sam leaned against the counter with a sandwich in hand and said, "You know what he wants to do Cas, you ok with that?"

"I'm hoping it doesn't come to that, but yeah, if that's what it takes to get the angels where they belong, to open heaven to the souls in the veil, and to get my grace so I can help Dean, then Gabriel and I both agree, Metatron brought this on himself."

Just then Gabriel came in, "There you are! Thought maybe you two snuck off for a little '7 minutes in heaven!' None of my business, but if you two think you could pry yourselves away from each other, I think I might have actually found something!" He pointed to a section of the book he was holding as he handed it to Cas. "It's a spell that puts angels to sleep for a few minutes. Not permanently of course, and by the sound of it, probably not for very long, but maybe for long enough."

Cas began looking it over when Sam's phone rang, startling everyone. Sam didn't recognize the number, but that wasn't all that unusual so he answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Sammy," came the unmistakable and most welcome voice he had ever heard!

"Dean! Where are you? Are you OK?" Sam had to force himself to stop shooting questions so Dean would have a chance to answer.

"Whoa, slow down there little brother. I'm OK, but I'm not going to tell you where I am, at least not yet. I'll probably be somewhere else by tomorrow anyway. But how are you?"

Exasperated, Sam replied, "I'm fine. Wait, no, I'm not fine! I'm worried about YOU, just tell me where you are man! I'll come get you!"

Gabriel nodded to Cas and whispered "I'm gonna see if I can find the ingredients we need for this spell. Sounds like this 3-way bromance could use some alone time!"

"Now Sam, if I thought we should be together right now it'd probably be a lot easier to just zap myself back to the bunker wouldn't ya think?" Unfortunately, Sam couldn't exactly argue the logic in that, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to be with his brother again! Fortunately Cas interrupted to let Dean know he was there too.

"Cas! Glad you're there. Hey Sammy, talk about having an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, huh?!" Dean laughed.

Cas was all business and didn't find it amusing. "We need to talk Dean," and then Cas went on to explain what he and Gabriel were planning.

"Gabriel huh? So Luci didn't get him after all. Well good on him, though it would have been nice if he had sacked up and helped out a few times over the years!”

Dean continued, “Alright Sam, you gotta get Metatron there just like we did the first time we brought Crowley in, not that he'll ever get out of there alive to tell anyone, but I don't want him trying to hail anyone on angel radio either."

"Of course Dean, does this mean you're coming back?" Sam hoped.

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world! But Sammy, don't get your hopes up about my sticking around - and if anyone tries to get those cuffs anywhere near me or tries to trap me, it'll be the LAST time you see me! I'll call you back tomorrow." Click.

demon!dean, fanfic, supernatural, season 10

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