Ever since I heard about the twist in Fringe's finale, I've wanted to watch it.
How can I ignore an Abrams' show with alternate realities? It's what all us Juliet, Daniel and Locke fans are hoping for (I guess it's technically a reset...) Sayid as well, I guess. Man, looking at that list, there's no way they'd bring back everyone, is there? It's just not LOST's way =( Me personally, I'd just settle for the real Locke. As an aside, I have two LOST action figures (Locke and Charlie), and now they're both dead ;_;
AUs have always been a favorite of mine, with whatever fandom I'm involved in. That's why I adored the Bones finale. I know there's a massive hate-on directed towards the finale, which, yeah, didn't really feel like a finale, but I liked it. It was fun, Sweets sang a song that I want to use for my Windows start-up music (I think XP allows you to have a long opening; Vista gives you 10 seconds or so), had cute AU Booth & Brennan interaction, Zach ♥, meta stuff, and boring Motley Crue, but otherwise it was just a cool episode.
When it was revealed that the Hodgins's narration was actually Brennan writing, I was so happy. I had figured it was all in Booth's head, but really, that wouldn't have furthered the story much, we already know he's in love with her, so here's confirmation of her awareness of her love for him. If he saw any of the episode in his head that we did, wouldn't he have recognized Brennan from the dream? I guess her assertion that it wasn't real would lead him not to believe any of it, and besides their affection for one another and Zach as her assistant, nothing really lined up with their characterizations, so that wouldn't really help. He probably saw something, but it won't factor in much. Anyway.
Should I be more upset about the amnesia? What's the point? It will last probably six episodes; I can't imagine it being much longer than that, especially as she'll need a new partner now. Hoping he's taken care of by her, that'd be sweet. Like everyone is saying, now the onus is on Brennan to express her love for him in little, maybe more obvious ways, like he has done the last two-and-a-half seasons or so. Should be fun. Wonder if we'll eventually see more of Zach as well, though rotating-assistants is a fun game to play.
Hmm, I actually hadn't planned on waxing poetically about Bones, go figure. Anyway, Fox's fall schedule annoys me. I wanna watch Glee, but it's opposite LOST (not till Jan, thankfully); wanna watch Fringe, but it's opposite The Office and 30 Rock (the former's last season rocked something hard and how can I miss Jack and Liz?); House is opposite HIMYM, though HIMYM loses out there just 'cause House is an hour and more annoying to catch online due to length. I guess I should be thankful Dollhouse hasn't moved after all, regardless of what that will mean for it's chances at acquiring new viewers. (-_-) Gonna be using hulu and torrents a lot next year.
Well, that's why I'm not watching the HIMYM finale live tonight; I've seen a total of two episodes live this season ("Benefits" and "Meet the Stinsons"), and the former was talked over. I've gotten so used to watching it online, so what's the point of changing it now? I'm definitely not going to miss the next season of House, either, considering what happened in the finale. It's like with Doctor Who to me now, since I've only ever watched that using my computer. LOST will forever be a live show for me, however, 'cause it's LOST, dude.
Also, I think my Vista partition may be dying. I only reinstalled my tablet driver, 'cause my tablet is wonky and seems to favor that partition, and now it doesn't want to start except in safe mode. Word of advice: when creating a dual-boot system, pick and stick to a favorite OS and create a third partition for sharing files between the two. I now have near identical installations among the two 'cause I kept switching between them based on what was working when. It's convenient and it's not. =/ It's nice to have a backup to rely on when one breaks down (and it's not completely effed as I can access Vista's files), plus I need the Vista partition for warranty purposes, but it's still a hassle. Especially the driver searches for both (ugh). Well, XP perfectly plays MKV files, a task Vista has never been able to do, so at least I have stuff to watch while I do research on my new problem.