LOST S5 Finale - The Incident Parts I & II

May 14, 2009 14:06

Let's jump right in:

Okay, I spend two hours on ONTD last night commiserating with my fellow LOST fans (and waiting for awesome gifs [see: below]. I haven't been this upset by a finale since DW, and before DW who knows how long it had been (wait, was Buffy S5; have a thing for sci-fi). Juliet's death (?) x2 was horrific, cruel, and I would really like her to get a second chance just because her life totally sucked (barring the 3 years with Sawyer). I don't know if we'll get that, seeing as how it was a very dramatic death, she was a hero there, but damn it - I want to watch the finale again, but seeing her death (?) scenes is just too much. Saw a gif of it and nearly started bawling.

Anyway, Bernard, Rose and Vincent were awesome, and I hope if there's a reset or the 70s Islanders are thrown into the present, those 3 (Walt's gone after all, so keep the dog) are able to remain happily in their retirement home =D Totally have the right idea - stay the hell away from the Islanders/Hostiles/Dharma people. If Juliet had just stayed... Some people are saying she was pregnant as well, with a couple instances of her clutching her stomach; if true, this makes her death (?) even worse. I am beginning to think that if the bomb worked in bringing them back to the present, she won't come, a la Charlotte. ;_;

I'm rather conflicted on Jacob and Esau/Not!Locke/Anti-Jacob/Guy-in-black-speaking-with-Jacob-as-the-Black-Rock-comes-a-sailin'-in. Esau cruelly used Locke to get his revenge (Locke and Juliet have both earned worst-lives-in-LOST awards), but allowed for the awesome bitchy banter between Locke and Ben this season; but that wasn't really Locke, so. And, now TWO of my favorite characters are dead (Daniel being the other). If Locke's around next season, it's all Sylar-as-Nathan in Heroes then, too, so it's not the same =(

I thought Jacob saw the humans sorta as his playthings; he wants to observe how they react for his enjoyment, knowing the eventual outcome; some are better people for it, but all that hassle... Esau makes a point about not bringing humans to the Island; because, while some very good redemption stories are told, a hell of a lot of people seem to die on the Island, way more than are redeemed, considering half of 815 bought it. And Jacob apparently doesn't mind killing babies (Alex), which is a very big negative in his column.

If they're going the biblical route and the two are brothers, and one serves the other (Esau may be Smokey, after all, and he seems to serve Jacob, right?), Esau is chafing at not ruling the Island with seemingly no way to change that, till Ben and Locke came around. Biblical Jacob scammed his brother, so maybe he has a right to be angry, if the same is going down here (man, do I hate reading Old Testament stuff). So it could just be their personal disagreement. But, they could be going all Jacob=God, Esau=Satan, Ben=Judas (though, seriously, Benry has had a tough life, Jacob, you could have given him a little something to prevent all the evil; unless, he needed him to kill him, like Jesus needed Judas to betray him and lead to the resurrection, 'cause, duh, they're gonna resurrect Jacob, that's one thing I'm sure of). Or, they could each be individual gods of equal power, unable to effectively hurt the other, so they need a third non-deity to do their bidding. Greek gods loved interfering in the humans' lives, pitting one against the other, forming sides, helping/hurting their half-human children, etc. With all the Egyptian imagery, could be that. Oh, and Sobek seems to be the statue (wikipedia is so useful).

Um, weak sauce with Jack's reason for the reset. This is the one show where I don't crazy ship ('cept Desmond/Penny) so I really didn't want to hear that as his reason; and then Juliet decides that's her reason as well =/ Man, that quadrangle/triangle next year is gonna be a fucking pain. I bet everyone dies at the end or the pairing that is left is due to death, not choice, which leads those two to break up, too, so no one wins. ::sigh:: But there will be more Desmond (and Penny), so that should help counterbalance the murderous/depressive Sawyer that is bound to be there as well.

Anyway, these rule (they work when you click on them but seem to not be loading in my preview window - maybe 'casue they're too big? They are awesome, though):

God, I was laughing like crazy; I have been waiting for this to happen for five years and it was magnificent.

XD XD XD I don't even loathe Jack like most of the fandom; I dislike him a lot of the time, but I can be somewhat sympathetic towards him, too (also, he is hot; not as hot as Jacob or Sawyer, but he can get a bit of a puppy face at times). Oh, James, that was a low blow, but damn, it was funny.

XD (Okay, that's the sadist in me; besides, he's fine, obviously.)

Well, I think I'll be able to sleep tonight. Y'know, I got around 3 hours of sleep 'cause I was so worked up, woke up early, mind going crazy; god, I got more rest during finals week both semesters this year =/ Damn you and love you, LOST (and sooo damn you for that creepy white endtitle with no effing indication of what comes next). >=(

Oh, and to sign off with a non sequitur, my new mail notification in Windows Live Mail is NPH yelling about the unicorn in the road in Harold & Kumar 2 xD

oh man oh man, lost, fangirlism, television

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