I have to confess

Jun 04, 2014 14:00

re: Naruto -- Kaguya is really cool.

I hope Kishimoto doesn't waste the potential here though. It can swing either way at this point (i.e. complete shit or reasonably interesting). I REALLY hope he's hinting at some sort of future role for Sakura to play.

Although goddamn I really have to stop calling certain characters Jenova and Sephiroth.

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Bleach is not even worth talking about.

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Fairy Tail actually had a string of good chapters from a characterization POV but the plot still annoys/bores me beyond words. It's too damn messy, and I don't mean that in a good way.

(I find the series tends to be at its best when it focuses on Lucy and her keys.)

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Big One Piece revelation from last week = HOLY CRAP.

I cannot fucking wait to see how right (or wrong) my reading of certain characters turns out to be.

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Detective Conan "Scarlet" arc: <333333

I don't think this was as surprising as previous plot arcs (I've long suspected certain aspects that were revealed), but it was a satisfying arc nonetheless, I think, in terms of tying up loose ends that have been dragging on for a few years.

Honestly I hope Jodie gets to kick more ass from now on. I could tolerate her slip in capability since her big arc by chalking it down to grief/mourning -- but pleeeeeease let her get back to pulling badass stunts now Gosho.

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Was going to talk about:

- Bastion/Transistor (mostly the music not the actual games)

- Harvest Moon dramaaaaa (tl;dr -- localization company Natsume is making their own 3DS entry because they own the franchise name here; XSEED is getting the actual next "Bokujou Monogatari" entry which I actually really want because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the art style for this entry).

- something else....

But too lazy.

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Oh right -- I got a free one year Scribd subscription (they revamped their site as well as their business model), so... rec me books?

(Honestly I haven't been reading or watching anything at all this year though.)

comments at the original Dreamwidth post

detective conan, naruto, manga: one piece, bleach, fairy tail, manga

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