US vs. Ghana!!!!!!

Jun 16, 2014 17:03

Wow, that was a really tense game. I wasn't actually cheering for anyone to begin with (I'm cynical about US soccer), but our team surprised me. <33 I actually missed that first goal (checked in about 30 min in) and was kinda "blah blah" through most of the rest of the first half, but by the end of first half I was definitely rooting for us.

(And then 2nd half was soooo stressful. Eek.)

That said, both of our goals were seriously stunning. Wow.

eta: And now having caught up on some background reading, I think I now understand what really struck me about this game (and what I kind of suspected but wasn't totally sure about since I don't keep up on sports news) -- US playstyle is way different now under the new coach than what I remembered. It's still a little rough imo, but it was very clear there was a unified sense of purpose/strategy. And I love seeing that in a team. <3

Man, I am so proud of them.

comments at the original Dreamwidth post

soccer is the only sport i happily watch

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