what's that smell?

Jul 14, 2010 23:26

There seems to be an awful lot of crap in the world (and yes, there is a large amount of feces, but that's not what we're talking about) and it's come to my attention that it seems our short and fleeting lives are quite wasted when we surround ourselves so frequently with these pungent, steaming stools.

(I apologize for the vulgarity but my mind is running on insufficient sleep and this petty potty joke of sarcasm was the best my brain could come up with at this hour.)

So I thought to myself, "why not do what I do with real crap? Just flush it away~"

True, flushed wastes and most things we throw away often have their inevitable comebacks,  haunting us via some environmental disaster or another...but what the hey! Now is now. Later is later. Am I right?

Yes, I realize I'm kidding myself. But I don't even know how to safely biodegrade such waste. I also don't know how to compensate for this wasted time.

There's nothing else today. I'm going to sleep.


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