why does my life feel like a dumb ball of tomato soup?

Jul 16, 2010 03:22

I've been in a writing mood lately. I think it's because I try to destress by writing as many words as I can before my eyes start crossing over....
I also think this is the reason why there are so many blogs out there. I mean, who wouldn't want to get rid of their worries AND get readers to care about their pathetically unimportant lives at the same time?

I would.

So I created an excessive amount of blogs in my college years in an attempt to make my life feel balanced and fulfilling.

This obviously was ineffective because I am left here today mainly writing in this one blog...which I update on my whims and load nothing but unintelligible garble into.
Of course, I have my "public relations" blog which I show to relatives and family friends when I tell them I blog. That one contains all the prettily-angled pictures of trees and flowers and is filled with nothing but mundane dribble about daily occurrences. Needless to say, it gets updated fairly infrequently. My life is not that exciting.
But it serves its purpose first: to show that I'm still alive and not living in a bat cave (kind of) and second:as a red herring so familyANDfamily-friends don't think I'm psycho.

I mean...I'm not...you know...'cause I mean, like....who would be and.........CHEESE!

btw, that's a good way to get out of a problem. Just scream "cheese"...it usually stops most awkward situations by driving you into an even awkward-er one.

So onward to the real point I was trying to make:

Lately, I've been clinging to food like tapeworms cling to your...intestine? Hmm..innards? Close enough.
Anyway, I've been turning food into my problem-solver lately...

Angry family dispute? POTATO CHIPS!
Anxious about the future? ICE CREAM MOUNTAIN!
Spider in your eye? RAMEN EYE-WASH!!!!!

Yes, my stomach hurts right now. My eye is okay.

In other words, I'm gaining weight again.
It's making me depressed because, while the extra pounds aren't all that distressing, I'm starting to gain muscles too...which I hate. Last time this happened was when I worked scooping hard-as-brick ice cream one summer. In the end, I built rock-solid muscles to accommodate the ridiculous workout I had to endure each shift.
Muscles...ugh. It makes my girly arms look like man limbs and I already lack so much in the femininity department that I would like to preserve what's left of my femme-ignity. (Femininity + Dignity)

I guess it will be of use at the internship. I just wish it wouldn't all build up in one spot.

Stupid muscles.

rant, food

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