what am i doing here?

Jul 14, 2010 04:43

Is there a reason why I must listen to a Vietnamese woman suggestively whispering incomprehensible words into my ear at four o'clock in the morning?

Why yes...there is. However, it was much too distracting. It is off now. What was that lady saying...? That was some weird song...

I wish there was (were?) some way to continuously flow my thoughts out...like rivers do. Yet my mind runs dry within seconds, and I'm left sputtering out the last few specks of idea that can't even be considered whole or complete.

If you could keep running all day and all night, if you could sing heaven endlessly, or breathe in the scent of peppermint forever, I feel like that would be possible.
But that doesn't make any sense.
You'd tire after some miles, some minutes, some seconds.
Your legs would ache, your throat; crack, your nose; sting.
Rivers run dry, change their course, disappear from the terrain.

Why am I writing like this? I need to go to sleep.

rant, random

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