Today I met up with
cuelight for lunch, then got very lost trying to find the station so you could say I had a bit of a day out in Ealing! Oh, saw a red squirrel as well :). Then this evening I went to the cinema and got a take-away on the way home.
Saw 'Cruelty' as part of the Russian Film Festival. Really enjoyed it, a wonderfully dark twisted story - I did get a little lost in the middle but the pay-off at the end was well worth the ten minutes or so of "eh?". Very well acted and nicely filmed. I haven't seen that many Russian films but the ones I have seen have all had strong female characters and been realistic about body image (for example 'Mermaid' opens with a large woman swimming naked in the sea, completely generalising here but most Hollywood films would have either used it for comedy value or would have cast a skinny glamorous woman)... that might be just the films I seen though. They also seem to have a fundamental feel of realism about them, including the fantasy films.
Now I'm going to settle back and watch 'Starship Troopers' because I've just finished the book have the urge :)
Stolen off
kathie_d Ask me a question about EACH or ANY of the following:
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