There is this particular quality that I associate with the ability to change and create a particular artifact. In programming I'd talk about metaprogramming, where one bit of code can operate on other bits of code. Since this idea is typified by MAKE Magazine, my first thought was to call this word 'MAKEness' but I think that metaprogramming in
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The hardware hacker's edition includes a mid-size FPGA (Spartan-3 XC 3S4000), 256mb of ram, two dual-link DVI plugs, and a bunch of other useful stuff. It's pretty much an FPGA development board tuned towards
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I have a project idea, and it requires an Arduino with the bluetooth module, and a controller. The controller arrived yesterday, it's an N800. This project also requires that I learn how to solder. Anyone in the Boston area want to help me out here?
I met one of the Arduino developers, David Mellis on Saturday evening. We talked about community building... Now I want to start up some sort of in-person hardware hacking community in Boston. I've often wished I had a clue about electronics, what better way to get started
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