I slept /way/ longer than planned today. Then finally dragged myself over to my moms house, where I spent the day with my sister setting up my Yudu. Made three shirts off my first screen (I kept it so I can make more though). IT IS SO AWESOME. I love the whole process, it was so much fun and really really neat. While waiting for the screen to dry
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I feel the need to post and flail and scream about Maoh 6.
However, it is late and apart from spending several hours to produce a massive pile of OhnoNaruse screencaps, I can't acurately convey my feelings about it
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I haven't ranted about Avatar here, because I watched it all synced with Kat and had my commentary in yahoo chats. But now... ( The last two episodes before... )
Sleep had. Work survived. Played some WiiFit (not enough) and some Brawl. Downloads of Avatar 3x16 and Himitsu no Arashi-chan 15 are done. Very excited for new Maoh tomorrow.