Just enough time before work to finish the last hour of "Sozin's Comet"
Azula. Well. She's writing her own destruction. But then, paranoia and insanity are partially heretical... and she deffinitely got the rest of that personality package. Though the memories of her mother still haunt her more than she'd like to admit. It's almost hard to see her so easily reduced to her true core, mistrust and hatred.
Oh Aang. My beautiful, strong little boy.
All this time, and it's still Sokka who can plan things. Still Sokka who has the strength to protect those who need it and destroy what must be destroyed. We can't all be the Avatar, but each part is vital none the less.
Azula and Zuko's Akni Kai? Amazing. ....with too damn long a pause for my taste.
Aang! Truly an Avatar now, to raise tides and stand proudly before the four nations. I find the solution for Ozai even more appropriate than death by the way I' so proud of Aang!
MEI~! *cries* OK, /NOW/ my life is complete.
Iroh is happy and healthy and alive. Zuko is Firelord and at peace with himself. Everyone is at peace and together in the way they should be.
I'm content. And now there's room for a sequel where everyone is old and their cildren are running around doing cool stuff. ^__^
I'm with everyone else: EPIC. Seriously.
Also, I need an Avatar icon, dangit.
Now to work. Tonight, Caspian and Maoh 4!