(no subject)

Jul 13, 2008 22:19

Master fic post!

1. Feel free to comment if you like things. Feel free to friend me if you like a lot of things!
2. You should probably assume SPN fiction contains spoilers for S3, just to play it safe.
3. NC-17 means penetrative sex, R means people get naked and mess around with each other. Lower ratings are usually for making out, mentions of sex, swearing, and violence. I figure most of the people here probably aren't too picky about it, but that's the system.
4. My policy on translations/ebooks/podfic is here!
5. Enjoy!

Mile Zero - Sam/Dean, R, 6200 words. Sam and Dean move to Key West.

An Undreamt Thing - Sam/Dean, R, 6400 words. Dean realizes he can read people's minds, Sam's inventive regarding methods of breaking the contract, and they lurk around Washington D.C.

Long Lay the World, Sam/Dean, NC-17, 5300 words. Dean buys Sam a house for Christmas.

Cirrus, Sam/Dean, R, 4600 words. Sam and Dean end up more than a little snow-bound. Obvious results ensue.

Highway 101, Sam/Dean, R, 7100 words. Impala!vignettes.

Chinook - Sam/Dean, R, 5100 words. Wanting out and getting there. Also: the pitfalls of using your demonic powers.

Palatine, Sam/Dean, R, 7300 words. It's not like he means for it to happen. Seriously. (Bodyswap.)

Landslide, Sam/Dean, R, 7300 words. Sam gets cursed. Dean gets pissed. (Wing!fic.)

Malleus Maleficarum, Sam/Dean, R, 5600 words. His Dark Materials crossover.

Stoplight, Sam/Dean, PG-13, 1400 words. Changing a tire, a shower, and some kissing.

Eventuality, Sam/Dean, PG-13, 1300 words. Post-Mystery Spot, post-Deal.

Thunderhead, Sam/Dean, PG-13, 1600 words. The post-S3 inevitable happy ending we've all been waiting for.

Jugular, Sam/Dean, PG-13, 1020 words. Dean stops sleeping in Chicago, so Sam stops sleeping too.

Motel 6, Sam/Dean, R, 1850 words. Hotel!vignettes.

Firestorm, Sam/Dean, PG-13, 1300 words. A 6x06 coda.

Where It Lives, Sam/Dean, NC-17, 1450 words. In essence: one pretty surefire way of getting rid of Sam's pissy mood.

Radical Feminism, Sam/Dean, NC-17, 4500 words. Dean turns into a girl. Sam doesn't take it exceptionally well. (Genderswap.)

Gender Studies, Sam/Dean, NC-17, 5200 words. Sam turns into a girl. And doesn't take it exceptionally well.

Trifecta, Sam/Dean/OFCs, Sam/Dean, and various permutations thereof, NC-17, 5050 words. Sam and Dean hook up through threesomes.

Contact High, Sam/Dean, NC-17, 2200 words. Sam finds an alternate means of killing stress.

Stoned, Sam/Dean, NC-17, 1700 words. Dean's kind of hilarious when he's high.

Radiating, Sam/Dean, R, 1350 words. Ghostfacers coda.

Eleison, Sam/Dean, PG-13, 925 words. 5x10 coda.

Pressing, Sam/Dean, R, 730 words. Kissing vignettes.

Pharos, Sam/Dean, PG-13, 825 words. Red Sky At Morning coda; Sam and Dean, shipwrecks and light houses.

Kept, Sam/Dean, PG, 1000 words. Sometimes he thinks they shouldn't have.

Bruised, gen, PG-13, 650 words. Sam and Dean aren't all that great at talking.

Left, gen, PG, 560 words. Sam comes back.

Iowa, gen, PG, 550 words. Sam + Dean + cornfields.

Grey, gen, PG, 450 words. Driving in the car in the rain.

Wrecked, gen, PG, 725 words. 4x01 coda.

Genderswap Stuff
Lexicon, Dean/girl!Sam, NC-17, 1850 words. Dictionaries, springtime, and the sort of girl who knows how to drive the Impala in heels.

Oxford, Sam + girl!Dean, PG-13, 1650 words. Dean won't stop stealing his clothes.

Settle, Sam + girl!Dean, PG-13, 860 words. The week before Christmas, John drags both of them to Minnesota.

Varsity, Sam/girl!Dean, Sam/OFCs, NC-17, 1720 words. Sam's kind of a slut.

Heat, Sam/girl!Dean, PG, 600 words. Bad weather and unadulterated sprawling. Faith coda.

All Quiet, Sam/girl!Dean, PG, 900 words. In My Time of Dying coda.

Handled, Sam/girl!Dean, R, 1720 words. Sam knocks Dean out.

Gunshy, J2, R, 36000 words. AU based on Fox's Bones.

Carbon, J2, R, 4400 words. Jensen kisses Jared. Things progress accordingly.

Don't Fight With Your Pillow, J2, NC-17, 14,000. With balefully. Jensen breaks his arm, Jared fusses, and everything ends in sex.

Received, J2, R, 2700. FNL-flavored college AU.

Symbiosis, J2, PG-13, 4300. Biology professor AU.

Balance, J2, R, 3750. Bodyswap episodes are a bitch.

Stay Awhile (Until the Night is Over), J2, PG-13, 3300 words. The middle of winter in British Columbia isn’t exactly a great time to have your truck break down.

Aero, J2, 7200 words. Crack!AU based on Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series.

Cashmere, Jared/Jensen/Danneel, NC-17, 6300 words. If Danneel's honest, it starts and ends with a moving truck.

Vice Versa, J2, Jared/Jensen/OFC, NC-17, 2000 words. Jensen brings Jared home a girl.

Untitled, Jensen/girl!Jared, 600 words, PG-13. Trick or treat?

Wide Open Ocean, John/Rodney, R, 10600 words. Marine biology!AU. He went home with two slices of leftover pizza and the strange impression that McKay could almost have been a nice guy, if he hadn’t been an asshole.

White Collar
Sodium Chloride, Peter/Elizabeth, Peter/Neal/Elizabeth, NC-17, 3200 words. Power outages and snowstorms.

Harry Potter
Fixed In A Morning Sun, Draco/Ron, R, 11000 words. In which: Draco accidentally joins the Order, becomes a healer, wants to correct Remus Lupin's vision a lot, and generally is annoyed by Gryffindors.

An Alternate Lullaby, Remus/Sirius, PG. An AU snippet.

Cosine Theta, Harry/Ron/Hermione, NC-17, 3600 words. In which they figure it out.

Turning Again To Being, Harry/Draco, R. Post-Quidditch shower sex.

The Moon's Significant Tremble, Remus/Sirius, NC-17. An AU wherein Remus is a teacher, Sirius is a banker, and they meet on a train.

This Proof Absolute, Harry/Draco, R. Christmas fic.

More HERE at Skyehawke. [Note: Skyehawke is at least temporarily down, so you can find instructions for getting old fics off Skyehawke here.]

American Idol
Transition, Cook/Archuleta, PG-15, 3300 words. In which, misunderstandings occur.

Crush, Cook/Archuleta, R, 4300 words. Written for astolat for Yuletide; Archie grows up a little.

Kiss a Girl, Kris/Adam, NC-17, 5400 words. Genderswap, kind of.

And If I Move, Kris/Adam, R, 9200 words. Wingfic, but not really.

fiction, rps, spn, master fic post, j2, sga, supernatural

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