(no subject)

Nov 01, 2007 00:24

So I kind of spent my Halloween with awesome people and therefore did not, you know, get a lot of drabbles done; they'll be here soon, but have this one tonight, posted by itself because I'm kind of attached to this verse.

Sorry, guys, I suck at labeling! J2, 600 words or so, teeny and domestic. Etc.

The first time Jensen goes to Jared's house, four days into filming 4x13 and a week after the closing, he finds two kinds of mascara, a bottle of strawberry suave shampoo, an unopened box of condoms, and Jared's car keys in the medicine cabinet. There are seventeen boxes in the front hall closet alone, and when he heads back into the kitchen, Jared's pulling on a hoodie (Jensen's), wearing mismatched running shoes - one Nike, one New Balance - and looking under a pile of paper plates.

"I can't find my keys," she says, "and there have already been five trick-or-treaters."

Jared's shifting her weight back and forth, edgy, and Jensen figures it's not just the lack of Milky Ways available for distribution; it's been a hell of a week.

"Yeah," Jen says, "about that," and hits the lights - porch, kitchen, living room. The switches are already familiar, but when the house goes dark, it takes his eyes a minute to adjust.

"So we're pretending no one's home?" Jared says, a little dryly, but she's already moving toward the box of pizza and the six pack he brought over after work.

Jared's couch and TV are about the only things in the living room, but Jensen finds a packing crate to use as an end table, mostly necessary only because Jared foregoes the plates and brings the entire pizza. They get exactly two channels - PBS, currently showing a documentary on vampire bats, and ABC, with a very grainy Grey's Anatomy - so Jen just turns the volume down and lets Jared settle in against his side, Harley asleep on top of one of his feet.

"Goddamn," Jared says, with a soft, almost imperceptible sigh, and Jensen nudges a hand up against her shoulder, rubbing, because she's his best friend and it's not like he hasn't known how to read her since day one.

Jensen gets up to put in a DVD - Grey's hasn't been worth watching since season three, and bats freak him the hell out - and sits back down, letting Harley cut off circulation again. By the time the credits roll, Jared's in his lap, face up against his shoulder, almost asleep. Jen figures it's a little besides the point to call her on not watching the movie, but it's not like she's anywhere near small enough to carry to bed.

"Jay," Jensen says, softly, rubbing a hand up against the back of her neck, and she groans and rolls off, pulling an afghan down off the back of the couch.

"You need me to stay?" Jensen says, because leaving Jared alone the first night isn't exactly something he's willing to do, and Jared laughs.

"I'm six foot and own two enormous dogs," she says. "I kind of doubt anybody's going to fuck with me and the guest bed's not set up."

Jensen's half way to the car before he realizes that she's just being stubborn, and he's already got a spare set of keys.

"Overprotective," Jared mutters, when he climbs into bed with her, but she rolls over, up against his chest, blinking at him in the dark with a smile.

It takes all of thirty seconds for Jensen to realize that it feels right, their bed, their house, and five more for him to kiss her, soft and inevitable. Jared's mouth is warm against his, and when she kisses back, Jensen feels it all over.

"Trick or treat?" Jared says, grinning, when he pulls back to breathe, and Jensen laughs and pushes her back down into the blankets, happy.

fiction, spn, j2, supernatural

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