(no subject)

Sep 22, 2007 22:17

So winterlive is a bad influence. And then somehow I accidentally ended up writing J2 threesome fic instead of my anthropology paper. WHAT. This is all Danny's fault, damn it.

Vice Versa, Jared/Jensen/OFC, 2000 words, NC-17.

Um. JENSEN BRINGS JARED HOME A GIRL. It is TOTALLY plausible. Kudos to balefully for the beta!

Vice Versa

It's one of those alcohol-induced things, the kind you can't even wrap your head around the next morning. The problem is, though, it's maybe the best alcohol-induced thing that's ever happened to him, and it's probably up there for Jared. Jensen's spent the past ten years or so writing off tequila-related bad decisions, so it's a little weird to wake up with Jared against his back, a goddamned enormous hand curled over his hip, and realize that this time it's a good one.

He doesn't want to take it back, doesn't want to pull on his clothes and go out the side door, doesn't want to freak the fuck out over any of it. The first time Jensen wakes up with Jared, well - he just wants to roll over and go back to sleep, and maybe find some frozen waffles (Jensen fucking loves waffles), and get the goddamned dog to stop licking his toes. It's okay. It's normal. It's fucking fantastic.

Jensen's been in love a couple times, but he's never been in fucking domesticity, the kind where he knows what kind of shaving cream Jared likes and remembers to put it on the grocery list. He helps pick out new bedclothes when Harley chews a hole in Jared's comforter and cooks dinner twice a week and feels it every single goddamned time Jared touches him, his whole body sliding into overdrive whenever they get too close. The feeling somewhere along his spine makes everything worth it, though: it's good and he's happy.

There are a couple of things, though, that kind of leave something to be desired, and Jensen figures out that Jared's feeling it too right about the time he catches him watching them do makeup on one of the ghosts. She's a drowning victim, so they have to keep her dripping, and they've got an intern aiming a hose at her, like some sort of undead wet t-shirt contest.

"Seriously," Jared says, shifting a little in his chair, "do you ever just miss -"

"Yeah," Jensen says, "yeah," and that's really how it starts.

He figures he should ask about it, maybe, except Jared's liable to think about it just a little too much, and it's the sort of thing that's a hell of a lot better if there's no thinking involved.

She's playing a murder victim, the type of footage they can do in three days, piece of cake, and Jensen likes her; she's sharp and hilarious with legs that are maybe five miles long, which Jared's got a serious thing for. Jensen manages to ask her on the second day of filming, nice and easy, while Jared's standing twenty feet away, fucking around with the water cooler - he's hopeless - and she angles her hips in with a grin and says yes, if he'll buy her dinner.

She ends up opening her own beer in the kitchen after work while Jensen takes the stairs to find Jared, who turns out to be reading in bed. They didn't need him for the last couple of hours of shooting.

"I'm home," Jensen says, sliding a hand against his stomach, just beneath the fabric of his t-shirt, and Jared leans up on his side to kiss him, starting to smile.

"You want to get a pizza?" Jared says, shoving the blankets back.

"Well," Jensen says, and that's about when she walks in, barefoot and casual, two glasses of wine in one hand, unbuttoning her shirt with the other.

"Hi, Jared," she says, and Jensen would be seriously fucking distracted if the look on Jared's face weren't enough to make his entire thought process short circuit; it's shock and embarrassment, confusion written all over him, but there's something underneath it, a look Jensen's not used to seeing him direct at anybody else.

"Clare?" Jared says, and Jensen realizes he's trying not to stare at her breasts, which Jensen almost finds charming, except for the fact that it's kind of the point of things.

"Jensen figured you might be interested," she says, sitting on the edge of the bed, and Jared turns and looks at him.

Jensen leans in, close, and he's not nervous exactly, because the way Jared was looking at her makes him pretty fucking sure, but there's something underneath it. "I like you," he says, pressing his fingers in against the inside of Jared's wrist, "but you and women -" Jared's pulse jumps, a little. "Us and women -"

"You want me to -" Jared says, and Jensen's glad he surprised him, because Jared's too caught off guard to get his body under control and hide how he's reacting, which is somehow unbelievably hot.

"Just for tonight," Jensen says, low, against his jaw, and Jared looks at him for a minute then pulls him down for a kiss, hard and hungry and probably a little grateful.

By the time Jensen remembers to come up for air, Clare's leaning against the foot of the bed, knees held apart in a way that Jensen remembers as meaning a girl's really turned on. She's not really his type, but there's a reason they cast Jessica the way they did; Jared likes tall blondes in a way that borders on dangerous, enough that he has chemistry with almost all of them, and right here, Jensen gets it.

"You want to come over here?" Jared offers, finally, and Jensen pulls off his t-shirt and manages to find his way into the other side of the bed while she moves into Jared's lap.

Jared eases her back, close, and stretches out on top of her. They're almost upside down, from this angle, but Jensen can see everything he needs to, and it's more than enough to get him hard.

Jared likes to make out, slow and hot and heavy, pressed in close like they're in fucking high school again, like it's not going anywhere. He's got his hips locked in against Clare's, a hand curled around her ribcage, and he's just kissing her, open-mouthed and wet.

He draws it out until they're both too turned on to keep still, almost rubbing up against each other. Jared inhales sharply when Jensen runs a hand over his shoulder blade, like he's actually remembering to breathe, and by the time he eases back, Jensen can tell that this probably isn't going to last that long.

Jared nudges him in, close, stopping for a slow kiss. He tastes like lipstick and it's softer than Jensen's used to, like Jared's forgotten that he doesn't need to be so careful. Then Clare pulls him down, stretched out and too far gone to be subtle, and Jared rolls off the bed to undress. Jensen focuses long enough to watch Jared wince as he eases the zipper down, but then she's kissing him, licking into his mouth.

Jensen slides his hands up to nudge her shirt the rest of the way off, fingers following it down - her skin's soft and pale, and it's been a long time since he's had this much unfamiliar territory in his bed. She makes just the right noise when he brushes a thumb beneath the line of her bra, soft and breathless when he drags his tongue along the same spot, and then Jared's hands are in close behind her, undoing the clasp.

He lets go long enough to head for the nightstand, and Jensen backs off to catch his breath, sliding a hand over Clare's stomach, down to undo the button of her jeans.

"Little too dressed," Jensen murmurs, right up against her jaw, and she laughs, twisting so he can get her naked, spread out across the bedspread.

Jensen's okay with just staying there for awhile, evening sunlight spilling in across the bed, because sometimes just looking is better than anything else. He nudges his fingers against the inside of Clare's knee, leaning in to kiss the hollow of her throat, across her collarbone, sliding a hand up to cup her breast. She's warm and firm and female underneath his hands and it's good, really good, but it gets suddenly better when he hears Jared, a soft, low noise that goes straight to Jensen's spine and stays there.

Jared settles in behind her, pressed in against her back, and Jensen feels himself flush at the way Jared's watching his mouth.

"Sit up," he says, finally, and Jensen eases back, leaning against the footboard, but Jared stops him with a touch against his wrist when he slides a hand down to undo his jeans.

"Hey, sugar," he murmurs to Clare, low, and Jensen misses the rest of what he's saying because Jared's whispering it against her skin, so close he can't hear.

She rolls over onto her stomach, easy, with a grin, and then Jensen really can't think about much of anything else, because she's unzipping his jeans, mouth against his stomach, licking over his hipbone.

"Yeah," Jared murmurs, "just like that," and moves behind her, rolling on the condom.

Jensen can see it in both their faces when Jared spreads his hands out across her hips and pulls her back down onto him, and it's almost enough to make him come right there.

He's more than a little distracted by the way Jared's looking at him, enough so that he almost misses it when Clare wraps a hand around him and starts to stroke, rubbing slow circles with her thumb that make his hips jerk. He's got an almost perfect view from here, her breasts and Jared's shoulders and oh god, yes.

"He likes it slow and - wet," Jared manages, kissing along her shoulder as he thrusts in deep, and Jensen just plain can't think when she slides her mouth down, tongue all over the head of his cock.

It's not so much the blowjob as the noise Jared makes, watching, that pushes him over. Jensen comes hard enough that he can't breathe for a minute, hands tangled in the sheets.

"Yeah," Jared murmurs, up against the back of her neck, "yeah, that's so good, sweetheart," and slides a hand down to touch her. Clare comes while Jensen's still catching his breath, arching back against Jared, and Jared's hips slam in once or twice more before he shivers all over, flushed, and goes still.

Jared's ability to stay awake after sex is pretty much nonexistent at the best of times, so Jensen's not really surprised that by the time he manages to get rid of the condom and crawl back in bed, he's starting to slide under.

"Hey," he says, pulling Clare down for a kiss, blinking a little slowly, "thanks," and he manages to kiss Jensen and watch them both for a minute before he's out, hand still wrapped around her wrist.

"He's -" she says, looking a little startled, then a little amused.

"Yeah," Jensen says, stretching out with a grin, "you sort of get used to it."

"Hey," she says, grinning back, sliding out of bed and toward their bathroom. "You still owe me dinner."

Jensen laughs and finds his phone to order a pizza - the number's on speed dial - while she slips into the shower.

"Hey," Jared murmurs, when Jensen hangs up, apparently awake but drowsy, curling up against his side, "why'd you bring her home?"

"Seriously," Jensen says, with a grin, "don't you ever just miss breasts?" and leans in for a kiss, soft and satisfied.

fiction, spn, vice versa, j2, supernatural

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