(no subject)

Sep 23, 2007 01:33

*does the tiny dance of just having won an amazon gift certificate on Blingo*

In other news, I keep meaning to make this post about how winterlive is so ridiculously talented I can't stand it, and how I keep going back and accidentally finding stories of hers that I FORGOT TO READ. The problem is that I pick something to rec - or I decide that I have to tell my entire flist how amazing By The Letter is, again - and then I find something else and I JUST CAN'T DECIDE.

So basically, she is an amazing human being who is one of my favorite writers in fandom and she keeps letting me ramble at her, which I am ridiculously grateful for, so you should all go read her stuff because it makes my toes curl, kind of literally. You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach when really good things happen? Like when you find out your crush returns your feelings or you overhear people saying good things about you behind your back or everything in your entire life is going amazingly? That is how her stories make me feel. Her Jared is just about my favorite thing in all of fandom. Possibly in all of the universe, he is just that awesome.

You all should definitely go read Focus, and if for some WEIRD INSANE REASON you have managed to miss By the Letter, well. Just go. Right now.
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