HP meme and a rec of sorts!

Mar 31, 2010 00:29

 01. The first character I fell in love with: It's a toss between Severus and Draco. I have a thing for antagonists.

02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Luna. Really, she is awesome.

03. The character (most) everyone else loves that I don't: Sirius. Why does everybody forgets he tried to kill Severus at 15? I do love to slash him though! Puppy love grew on me (mostly because Remus seems to adore him!)

04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Lucius =) It's easy to love Cissa but Lucius must've done something right to be idolised by Draco prior to the books.

05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Dumbledore. He just became too manipulative in the latter books. And sending Harry to his death, not cool man, not cool at all.

06. The character I would shag anytime: If I list all the names that actually came to my mind, I would seem like such a slut.

07. The character I want to be like: LUNAAAAAAA!! Cause she notices things but seems space-y.

08. The character I'd slap: Severus, how could you dare to die because of snake poison??!! You were such a BAMF!!!! ;_______; and a Potions' Master for Christ sake!!! It does NOT add up!!

09. A pairing that I love: Harry/Draco, OTP!!!

10. Two pairings that I hate: Severus/Draco. I know it's fairly popular but it makes me shudder even as a side-pairing/former pairing much worse than Harry/Ginny which I used to abhor. And the same goes to Severus/Harry (which I can't SEE happening in any plane!) Oh, and Hermione/Draco. Basically, any pairing that splits my OTP. Cross-gen included.

11. Favourite character: It's always been Severus, but all the H/D is making me appreciate Draco a lot.

12. My six favourite characters: Severus, Draco, Lucius, Narcissa, Harry and Remus.

13. My five least favourite characters: Peter Pettigrew, the Carrows, Umbridge aaand Sirius

14. Which character I am most like: It's gonna sound conceited if I say Luna, but I can't really identify with the others.

15. My deep, dark fandom secret: I've read every kink/squick I've found on H/D as a dare from me to me (stupid, I know) And my only squick is anything to do with scat.

Stolen from xmusicnotesx, whose Reasons to Date a Hufflepuff is the first Harry Potter WIP I'm reading after Riley's 'Pawn to Queen' abandonment broke my heart years ago. Oh, the powers of next gen. The fic is quite amusing and features Lorcan/Teddy. The author labels it as crack but I consider it humour.

meme, rec, h/d

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