Sadness is contagious

Apr 18, 2010 02:52

Well, that's what I found out today. My sister is very sad after her boyfriend broke up with her, I really didn't like him and had no real excuse why till now. I just felt a bad vibe around him that I couldn't ignore. Bleh, whatever! The point is my sister is bummed and seeing her like that makes me sad.  As I don't have any comfort food available, I turned to fandom for some cheering and I find some rather angst-y fics and recs in my flist ;___; So I'll re-read an old bookmark full of goo and happiness *nods*

I've been re-sorted into Ravenclaw (like a month ago! I suck at keeping a journal) at hogwartsishome and have been having fun over there lately =) The tower is a really fun place to hang and the procastinator in me it's uber happy at the TONS of activities available. The only part I don't like is the timing! The Hogsmeade Weekend collided with my dad's birthday and I didn't get many activities on time ;___; and Viking Week (which is a Ravenclaw activity) is THIS WEEK! And I'll barely have time to eat, sleep and study, I'm hoping to do all the activities Fri-Sun so I'll get a pretty banner stating I'm a Viking Deity =3

I've read the Sailor Moon manga! FINALLY!! I've been meaning to do it since high-school but back then I wanted to purchase the books. I gave up (shipping is too bloody expensive!) and just read them online. Took me a week but I did it! And wow! I like the colourfulness of the anime but the characters do seem a bit different in the manga (and for the love of GOD! The japanese read too much in the subtext, or maybe I'm just blind, because the relationship between Haruka and Michiru was in no way more obvious to me in the books) and the difference is better for some (I love Rei and Usagi more now. However, Ami and Minako were too books-obsessed and starstruck (respectively) to bond-with) I founnd the fact that Chibi-usa actually kissed Mamoru when she arrived from the 30th century frankly disturbing and (holy crap!) she's 900 years old!

I could ramble about the many differences but that would be boring and inaccurate so I'll just say I enjoyed it immensely and now I wanna see the movies/OVAs/etc. In the spirit of cultivating my love for it, I joined sailormoonland =) Hope I have enough time to remain active.

rambling, ravenclaw

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