
Mar 19, 2010 02:55

I've just spend an hour reading these. There are some seriously awesome drabbles out there. My favorite so far it's surprisingly not H/D (I'll give it a few days before my OTP gives me another lil' piece of fiction I'll love forever). but Daphne/Draco *gasp*  (with implied Astoria/Draco) *gasp* It's beautifully written (and under 200 words!) I think this is the very first time I've pimped something due to het.  *ponders* The wonders of the rare pairings.

harry potter
uncanon drabble-a-thon
take two!

Once again hosted at karmicsunshine !
The people who brought you the Twilight Uncanon Drabble-a-Thon, The Harry Potter Anonymous Kink Meme, as well a tons of great fiction!

mini-fest, drabbles, pimping!, het

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