
Jun 25, 2011 21:25

merkuria introduced me to the Pervocracy blog today, which is all about sex, polyamory, BDSM, and feminism, so of course I was mesmerized for an hour or two. *g* My favorite post so far is this one: Sex Anyway (rated R or so), in which the writer says,

"Having mechanically perfect sex with your bodies in perfect unison is overrated. Knowing how to have good sex anyway, how to create an experience that's sexy and sweet even when someone has a limp dick or dry pussy or trick hip, is tragically underrated."

YES. This sort of goes along with my rant about perfect/boring porn in fic. More perfectly imperfect sex, please!

In other pointers, check out this fantastic QaF vid, brought to my attention by gaeln. Great editing and use of color. And I loved this amazingly sexy HP art: Hands Off! by thilia (Charlie/Seamus, NC-17). I love how Seamus's rear looks just a little rosy, like Charlie may have smacked it once or twice. ;-)

Finally, celandineb wrote a cute little Star Trek ficlet for me: The Headache Excuse (Kirk/McCoy, PG-ish).

recs: blogs, kirk/mccoy, charlie/seamus, recs: qaf vid, recs: hp art, recs: st fic

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