ST Recs + a PSA

Dec 19, 2009 15:39

Dear people who write multi-part fic,

Please, PLEASE link the various parts of your fic together in some form or fashion. My preference is to have a link to part two at the bottom of part one, followed by a link to part three at the bottom of part two, etc., so that the reader can simply proceed onward without hitting back button or interrupting the flow of the story. My second choice would be to have one page with all the chapters linked, whether that's a master post or a mem category or a tag (and if you do use a tag, make it specific to that fic and only that fic -- because obviously a tag like "fic: star trek" will get cluttered up with other stories too).

I should not have to wander around your archive or scroll past 13 random posts about your cat in your recent entries in order to track down all the scattered parts of your epic.


Have some Star Trek fic recs.

We Have Loved the Stars Too Fondly to be Fearful of the Night by brighteyed_jill (McCoy/Chekov, NC-17, slavery, non- and dubcon, violence [but no explicit torture], emotional abuse)
*flails a bit* Okay, this one is really long, but it's so worth the time if you have any interest in this pairing or either of these characters ... or in the scenario, for that matter: Chekov disappears during a mission; when the Enterprise finds him again a year later, he's a slave with no memory of his former life. The author takes the time to fully explore the ramifications of what's happened to Chekov, and there's definitely no Magical Healing Cock at play here. (Indeed, poor Bones probably angsts nearly as much as Chekov does.) I was completely fascinated by this universe and read the whole 57,000 words in one enthralled sitting.

Doctor My Eyes by moogsthewriter (McCoy, Kirk, others, rated teen, mentions of violence and torture)
This fandom has a ton of fic about various characters trying to recover from various kinds of trauma. Some of them are pretty poorly done, and some of them are amazing -- and this is one of the latter. In this case it's Jim who comes back from a mission in an almost catatonic state, and it's Bones (with the help of the rest of the crew) who has to fix him. It's gen, but there's lots of platonic love here; the Kirk-Bones friendship in particular is just a gorgeous thing to see. :-) Long and meaty with plenty of hurt/comfort.

Walking After Midnight by hollycomb (Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Sulu/Chekov, R)
I almost swallowed my tongue when I saw that hollycomb had written Kirk/McCoy, though that's not why I ended up loving this one -- it's really more of a Jim fic, and an ensemble fic, and a Christmas fic with a beautiful mix of angst and sweetness. In short: Jim is lonely over holiday shore leave when the rest of his crew is spending time with their loved ones. WILL ANYONE LOVE POOR JIM?? This made me all sniffly and happy.

The Things That Sustain Them by danahid (Bridge crew, gen, PG-13)
Lovely, bittersweet look at the crew and their families, both at home and onboard. Short and moving.

Somebody's Baby by hollycomb (Kirk/Sulu/Chekov, NC-17, double penetration)
I simply could not resist reccing two hollycomb fics this time because GOOD GOD THIS IS SO HOT. Lush, detailed, beautifully characterized, light-your-computer-screen-on-fire porn, followed by an ending of such unexpected tenderness my breath caught in my throat.

Bloom and Grow by thistlerose (Joanna-centric with Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, others, rated teen, implied adult/minor)
Gorgeous fic about Joanna coming of age, with all the teenage crushes, little joys and humiliations, and self-discoveries that entails. Joanna is a fabulous character, and (naturally) I loved the epic Kirk/McCoy going on in the background too. (Note that this is a follow-up to The Next Time You Say Forever, which I previously recced here. I think you could probably enjoy this fic without reading the first one, but the first one is SO GOOD! *g*)

A Complete Education, or: How Spock Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Sex by lesyeuxverts00 (Kirk/Spock, NC-17)
Yes, merkuria and rinsbane, I do occasionally read Kirk/Spock, at least when the premise has Bones in it (*g*): Bones questions an incredibly embarrassed Spock about his intentions towards Kirk. This leads, eventually, to Spock asking how exactly gay sex WORKS. Because evidently, no one ever told him. ... And when Spock first hears how it works, he doesn't believe Bones. So Bones turns to The Internet for proof. This fic is just as hilarious as that prompt calls for, but I also found it really sweet and touching and sexy in the end.

Treatment by celandineb (Kirk/McCoy, adult)
Hee! This was written for my prompt "not yet," and the author took it in a surprising direction. Funny and sexy. :-D

Untitled by ohownovel (Kirk/McCoy/Gaila, R-ish)
And another wee ficlet written for my prompt, this time "Do that again." The author squeezes so much characterization and hotness into this teeny little fill! *envies Gaila*

Enjoy something? Leave a little love for the author!

mccoy/chekov, kirk/spock, gen, rants, threesomes, hurt/comfort, kirk/mccoy/gaila, sulu/chekov, kirk/sulu/chekov, spock/uhura, kirk/mccoy, recs: st fic

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