Shopping Trip (Open)

Oct 09, 2010 17:22

Characters: Clare Edwards, open.
Time: Afternoon.
Location: Out and about, anystreet Chicago
Content: Clare is buying a few supplies for magical defense.
Format: Prose
Warnings: Clare's got a knife!

Supplies for the novice worried of monster attack. )

[character] negi springfield, [character] sora, [character] clare edwards, !open

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underagemage October 9 2010, 21:56:49 UTC
Negi hadn't felt cold like this since he had lived in England. It was familiar in a way and made him miss his students and family even more. Months had passed it seemed and they were still no closer to figuring out anything about this place. People still showed up from places unknown and so did creatures. So far he hadn't even had a reason to tap into his higher magic, the dark curse of Erebea was dormant as far as he could tell. Probably repressed by whatever it was that dulled all supernatural abilities here. There was one time, around Halloween, that things had almost gotten out of hand, but Negi's own magic had given out due to the strain and it had worked out in the end ( ... )


becauseimboring October 9 2010, 22:43:46 UTC

... )


underagemage October 9 2010, 23:26:50 UTC
Negi looked up when he heard someone cry out. It seemed like she was chasing something and Negi spied the various leafs of paper fluttering about in the strong wind. Chanting under his breath, Negi redirected the wind current so that the pages fluttered towards him and he was able to catch most of them easily (with a little help of a jump that was far to high for a normal boy). He landed and looked down at the notes, catching phrases such as 'salt' and 'circles' and most importantly 'magic,' before looking back towards the girl who had lost the notes.

"Here you go," he said, moving forward so that he could hand them to her safely. "The wind is strong today so you might want to be more careful with things like this," he said, smiling at her.


key_ofthe_sky October 9 2010, 23:44:53 UTC
Sora was out walking down a nearby street, looking for a resturant that looked like it had good food for dinner when suddenly Sora got hit by such a strong breeze that it may as well been an Areo spell. In the midst of the strong wind Sora's view was suddenly obsured by a wayward piece of paper smacking him in the face.

"What the...?" He pulled the paper of hs face and looked up to see two kids trying to catch papers.

"Hey! Is this one of yours!?" He called, waving the paper in the air.


becauseimboring October 10 2010, 00:25:43 UTC

... )


underagemage October 10 2010, 01:55:11 UTC
"You're welcome," Negi said in response. Before he could ask the girl about the words on the page that had intrigued him he caught sight of movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to see a boy approaching them with one of the pages he had apparently missed. Whoops.

"Thank you for catching that," Negi replied, looking over at Clare, "Are you missing any do you think?"


key_ofthe_sky October 10 2010, 02:06:09 UTC
"No problem," Sora replied, handing the paper to the girl, besides, it wasn't like he caught the paper. His face did!

"So what are you guys doing out here?" Sora asked.


becauseimboring October 10 2010, 02:20:06 UTC

... )


underagemage October 10 2010, 02:45:50 UTC
"My name is Negi," he said as an introduction to the two older kids. It was probably about time he started meeting new people anyway. Most of the time he hung around Etna's place and while that was fine it did mean he wasn't around the more social hub of the hotels. "I was just taking a walk...I was going to pick up some groceries," Negi replied, shrugging nonchalantly.

He nodded in agreement with Clare, "That is a good idea. It does seem like more of the dangers are concentrated at night as opposed to the daytime. Though, it's probably best to be on guard at all times given the circumstances." He paused, realizing maybe Clare could use an escort or at least a hand with getting supplies, "If you're getting supplies, maybe we can go as a group? There's safety in numbers right?" Not that he was anticipating trouble but he felt like he could do more to help around here if he actually offered his services to people...even if it was merely as an escort. He didn't seem to be aware of the knife.


key_ofthe_sky October 10 2010, 03:20:52 UTC
"I'm Sora," he replied to the other two kids, "I was out looking for something for dinner." Sora's stomach then growled as if on cue, and he laughed and rubbed the back of his head nervously.

He considered what Negi suggested, Sora was a big fan of sticking together, because you could always do more more with friends than when you were alone.

"I wouldn't mind sticking around, it's always better to have friends around"


becauseimboring October 10 2010, 03:47:56 UTC

... )


underagemage October 10 2010, 04:03:34 UTC
Now that dinner was mentioned, Negi realized he could probably go for something to eat as well. "Okay, that sounds like a good idea Miss Clare. Grocery shopping can wait a little while," Negi nodded. He looked over his shoulder and then back at the other two, "I think I saw a burger place a block back that way if you don't mind that."

He looked curiously at the way Clare was holding the book. She seemed very protective of it. He wondered about its contents but thought it might be rude to ask.


key_ofthe_sky October 10 2010, 04:17:57 UTC
"Burgers sound great!" Sora replied excitedly, he hadn't had a good burger since the last time he was in Twilight Town, now that he thought about it.

Unlike Negi, Sora hadn't noticed that Clare was acting paticularly odd, yet, though once he did, he'd likely point it out. He didn't have quite the same sort of tact that Negi did.


becauseimboring October 10 2010, 05:18:47 UTC

... )


underagemage October 10 2010, 05:31:11 UTC
Negi couldn't help if he was polite to a fault, it was just in his nature. Still, people were far more casual here so Negi went with it, "All right." He turned around completely to go back the way he had just come, retracing his steps to the Burger King he had passed on the way here. It would be nice to be somewhere warm and out of this dreadfully cold wind.

Deciding to keep conversation going on the short trip there Negi decided to ask, "Where are you two from?"


key_ofthe_sky October 13 2010, 00:04:49 UTC
Sora followed Negi to the burger place, putting his hands behind his head. The two kids seemed really nice, and Sora wanted to get to know them better.

"I'm from Destiny Islands," Sora replied, though he figured the othwr two wouldn't know where that was, this was another world after all. "What about you, Negi? Where are you from?"


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