
Mar 31, 2007 16:42

I've been running Google Analytics on my fanfiction site since mid-March, and some of the results so far are most interesting. Like the search keywords people use that take them to my site.

Aside from the obvious search terms ([fandom] + fanfiction, or [pairing] + fanfiction and variations thereof), there are also, among others:
  • rings in her nipples (twice, even!)
  • roheryn fanfiction (apparently there's a market for stories about Aragorn's horse)
  • wrote letter pen ink fan fiction (fanmail?)
  • who decides if the fetus will be male or female (!?!)
  • boromir "look after her" -eowyn (hmm, someone likes their Boromir romantic but not with Eowyn?)
  • nanny socks (*waves at edoraslass* We did good!)
    and my personal favorite:
  • original fanfiction (what does this person think fanfiction is...?)
Some other interesting facts: broken down by city, most of my visitors came from Prague. But when you look at visitors by country, the US wins (well, duh), with the largest number of folk coming from Pennsylvania. Just about everybody still uses Windows XP, and two-third browses with Internet Explorer (what are you thinking?!), with the smarter one-third divided over various versions of Firefox, Opera and Safari.

*huggles statistics*

www, randomness, fanfic, world of weird, software

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