Radiant Historia, Part 56- 1/3

May 12, 2013 13:30

Hey guys. It's me again, with juuust a bit more "Let's Play Radiant Historia!" This game takes the Final Fantasy III/VI approach to endings: after you beat the final boss, you've still got something like 20 minutes of cutscenes to go, detailing what happens to every single character once the story is over. However, you need to put in some work to see them all- as I mentioned a while back, every sidequest with an associated bad end unlocks an end scene when you complete it. Finish all ten, and it changes one of the normal end scenes and unlocks the true ending of the game. I got 100% completion, so that's, what, 13 cutscenes and the credits? I still have half a box of marshmallow fudge cookies; hopefully it'll be enough.

As you can see, our first scene takes place in Granorg.

Guard: Yes, Milady!

Eruca, quit walking so fast. You're making those poor guards run to keep up with you.

wait what who's that


Double uh-oh.

This is the point where you use G-Frost to turn him into an assassin-cicle, Eruca.

Wait, did she just...?

...oh my god, it runs in the family.

I don't even know what she did to him, but it sounded pretty fatal.

"I HATE world peace."
There's the sound of someone collapsing (I guess he'd been trying to get up again) and Eruca turns away.

Yeah, I doubt he'd be amused to find out you guys went to all that trouble only for you to die once everything was sorted out. Keeping you alive was surprisingly difficult.
Anyway, on to the next scene!

Now we're in the Resistance's bar hangout. Though I guess they're not really a Resistance anymore now that they've won...

Pierre: We work in the same castle, but we never get the chance to see each other.
Otto: Will and I are in Lady Eruca's security detail, and you work for the State. Why would we?

Ohai Claire. I see you've managed to avoid getting lost in the sewer again.

Otto: I noticed you took some time off. Where'd you go?
Will: Yeah, I went back home to Cygnus to report to my parents' grave that we've brought back peace to the world.
Pierre: All of us in the Resistance have been through a lot...
"*tactfully not mentioning that bit where he tried to turn on them*"
Will: But nothing is over yet. It is our duty to maintain this peace that we have won...
Pierre: Yeah! We won't let powermongers like Dias and Selvan take over the nation ever again!
Will: Indeed! We will combine forces to help Lady Eruca lead this country down the right path... the path to realize the Granorg that Prince Ernst had envisioned!
Emphasis on "had." It gets a little... confusing... to try to make that statement if you're including the last few years.

Oh, Otto.

...I guess he won the ensuing argument. Next scene!

Woah. There are multiple humans, I doubt they had to do anything utterly ridiculous to get in, and NONE of them are getting punched. This is kind of crazy.

Galva: We share the continent, and must co-exist. This is what is best in life.

Meanwhile, Gafka is punching things.

"Goddamn splinters..."

The visiting children stand in awe of Gafka's hat.

He is, though I find his utility limited until relatively late in the game.

Yeah, that's about how I would have reacted at that age.
Kid with hat: Uh... It's being able to beat up the bad guys!
Gafka: This is indeed one characteristic of strength. But its true nature is more than just that. I do not have true strength.
Kid in green: Whaaaat!? There's somebody stronger than a Gutral!?
Gafka: Yes. And like you, he is a human. He had true strength. Courage and determination to risk everything in helping others. He saved this world, by sacrificing his life. If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be here today.
And I was really upset because this evil, evil game gave me a character I loved from the start and gave him all this character development and then up and DID THAT. ;_;

Now, on to the next scene.

We appear to be in Cygnus.

And there is a big crowd of people and Aht and Ricky are buddies.

Ohai Liese. Looks like Garland likes you guys.
Off to one side...

I know he doesn't have a unique sprite, but is that who I think it is?
After a transition...

Frederick: You really know how to put on a show, Liese! Bravo!

Liese: Really!? It makes me so happy to hear that from you!

I think I missed the line earlier, but he's apparently as good as Kiel. Which is very narratively convenient.
Frederick: Oh, no. I had nothing to do with this. I just try not to embarrass the troupe.

...Coming from someone talking to her boyfriend, that sentence takes on a WHOLE new meaning.
Liese: Speaking of which... Are you sure you want to leave the Granorg Army?
Frederick: Of course. My tour of duty ended when the war did. Now my mission is to protect my new family here!

"*reprocessing preceding statement*"

...I think that's a yes.

Elm: You have grown to fulfill your role as a shaman well, Lady Aht. What do you plan to do now?
Aht: I hear the voices of the dead. So I'll care for those in the desert and see that they get to Heaven. Maybe one of them knows how to stop the world from turning into sand. A lot of people want to find a way to stop the desertification, but only I can search like this.
Elm: You have grown up... I'll do what I can to help you complete your goal.
Of course, I think her ultimate goal might be a little more personal. While Aht's skewed priorities have improved a lot over time, I suspect "I should save the world" is probably FAR less motivating to her than "If I save the world, maybe I can figure out how to undo that sacrifice thingy?"

Oh, hi again.

Aht: I decided I'm gonna search for a way to stop the desertification! A way only I can do!
Garland: Oh? That's good. We'll help you too, then.


I guess if they could make the Gutrals act civil, I shouldn't be all that surprised they convinced Celestia to start letting in humans.

Looks like Liese started a trend.

Oh, hey, it's that botanist guy with the two kids who we talked out of doing weapons research.

Scholar: So this tree is why Celestia has so much Mana, despite all the desertification...
Barranca: It was good that we consulted with you. You have made great strides with the reforestation.
Scholar: If we study the tree, we may be able to find a way to replenish Mana. And if we can do that...

Suddenly, random interrupting person!
Barranca: Ah, is it? Mr. Scholar, let us continue this discussion after the party.

I guess those two kids aren't very observant.

...And then they disappear again.

Next stop: Alistel.

Another place significantly de-racist-ified!


Look, Viola, you may have a terminal disease, but he ALREADY DIED. Several years ago. I think he wins this one.

Viola: Sonja... Thanks to you, I've recovered completely from my wounds. But, Sonja... I'm sorry to inform you that my body is consumed by an--

"Wait... you mean doctors AREN'T just for injuries? o_O"

Well, yeah, but HOW long have you been out cold? She's kinda been free to poke and prod you that whole time. I think horrible lung disease would probably get noticed eventually.
Sonja: Indeed, your illness was difficult to identify. But, thanks to the journal Mr. Cedric brought us, we were able to determine your disease.
And there's that, I guess.
Viola: A... journal, you say?

"Then I express my gravest sympathies. No one should be forced to read anything I wrote before the age of fifteen."

Yeah, he kinda does that.
Sonja: It will take time, but your condition can be cured. Don't give up the fight! You're the Valkyrie after all, right?
Moral of the story: Always tell a doctor about horrible chronic illnesses. It can save you a whole lot of pain.
Viola: Indeed... The Valkyrie should never give up without a fight. If I live, I should be able to find something to do for my people. I owe him that much...
I wonder when someone's going to tell her about... what happened? Ah well. Next scene...

radiant historia, atlus, screencap adventure

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