Radiant Historia, Part 55- 2/2

May 08, 2013 14:30

One at a time, the gang reappear at the final node.

Throughout this entire scene, the screen is shaking and little mana-sparkles are floating past.

dammit Eruca what the hell are you doing

The screen flashes white.

Of course not. I don't think that makes her OR the player feel any better, though.

Why did you have to go and turn into a Messiah figure on me? WHY? ;_;

Raynie, I don't know if you're still trying to hide your crush on him, but I'm pretty sure you just ensured that EVERYONE will know about it if they didn't already.

I refuse to believe that anyone in the room is not in tears by this point. Except maybe Gafka.

Oh, Rosch. You're so dumb sometimes.

I want to hug him. So much. ;_;

O_O ...Gafka actually USED HIS NAME.

Sorry Raynie, but it's WAY too late to try to cover up that slip-up you made earlier.

He turns back around...

...and the screen goes white.

Pan over Granorg, as the shaking stops...

...followed by Alistel...

...and Celestia.

There's a knocking sound.

How much later IS this?

From this point, we get to the cutscenes unlocked by sidequests. Amazingly, I'm only sniffling a little bit, and I still have half my box of marshmallow fudge cookies remaining. Raynie's ending and the true ending will probably fix that, though. I'll post the epilogue cutscenes next time. Nighteyes out.

radiant historia, atlus, screencap adventure

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