Radiant Historia, Part 56- 2/3

May 12, 2013 14:30

Rosch does not like paperwork.

Nice promotion.


Raul, sometimes I can't help but wonder if you're deliberately messing with him.

Raul: How is your report coming? Even a national hero puts up a poor fight against paperwork, eh?
Rosch: A poor fight indeed, Sir. I don't know if I'll get all this finished today.
Raul: Now that is a real tragedy. If you're working late, you'll miss your lovely wife's cooking.

Rosch: That's why I'm still fighting, sir. She wouldn't forgive me if I left a job half-done. She understands the separation between duty and personal affairs.
Raul: Hahaha!
Rosch: And of course I'm not going to complain. My duty is to keep the peace. I owe it to him...
Raul: ...Right you are. Well, I'll be leaving now. I'll be waiting for you at the ceremony.
Rosch: Oh, right. Raynie and Marco are being commissioned today...
I feel SO sorry for whatever poor recruits get put under them...
Rosch: Damn... Will I ever finish this mountain of red tape in time?
Raul: Hmhmhm... Do your best, General Rosch.

I am getting the distinct impression that Rosch does not like being reminded of his new rank.

You poor sods have NO idea how much bickering-officer hilarity is about to ensue.

Exhibit A.

Quite. Anyway, next scene!

That is a whole lot of soldiers getting drunk.

Oh, hi Marco.

I suspect this is the only time in his life that anyone has called Marco "the main man" of anything.

I'm not totally sure how the timeline merge worked, but judging from your reaction, I take it you remember her getting slagged by Heiss?

Not-Mimel: What's wrong, Captain? Something bothering you?
Marco: It's... nothing, really. You just reminded me of someone I knew.
Not-Mimel: Someone you knew? A girl, huh? Was it...

Not-Mimel: ...Your girlfriend?
Marco: We weren't that close. But... I had hopes. I thought maybe in some peaceful village, once the war was over...
Not-Mimel: Hopes, huh? So...

"(This is almost suspiciously convenient.)"

Hoo boy.

*Cue flashback-o-vision*

That right there? That is the point where I totally lost it.

Anyway, will you look at that, someone seems to have stolen all of my emergency comfort chocolate. And left tears. NEXT SCENE.

Hello again, Raul.

Raul: Yes, yes...
Secretary: One "yes" is enough. And I wish you'd take better care of your grooming...
Raul: ...A little strict, aren't you?
Secretary: I'm not as fawning as my sister, you'll find.
Raul: ...Ah well... By the way, see that the army gets these documents.
Secretary: What are they? Approval for General Rosch's vacation...?
...Rosch takes vacations?
Secretary: This seems like a rather long holiday. Is that proper for a man of his rank?
Raul: He's been working himself to the bone. He deserves a little relaxation time, I'd say. It can hardly be questioned, what with it coming directly from the Prime Minister himself.

Not really sure what that look is.

So would I, actually.

Raul: But we should be going. Mustn't be late for the meeting!
Secretary: Yes, Sir!

...Huh? Isn't this by the road to Celestia?

o_O Expecting couples all over the place here.


That must have been one hell of a conversation.
Rosch: I still don't get all the stuff about the ritual and the empire... but I do know you were carrying a huge burden.

For what it's worth, I'm willing to bet he had it WAY worse than... pretty much any other Sacrifice ever.
Sonja: ...We've been doing research into ways to stabilize Mana. Aht and Queen Eruca are helping out...
Rosch: Once we figure it out, we won't need the ritual anymore. We'll be able to take care of this world on our own... Without having to make such sacrifices. So... whenever you want to... you can come back to us, Stocke.
Sonja: Dear...
"You're making the player cry again..."
Rosch: There's no hurry. My son won't be ready to start training for a long time anyway.
Sonja: And what are you going to do if the baby's a girl?
Uh... the same thing? There seem to be enough female mercs and soldiers around...
Rosch: I'll cross that bridge when we come to it! I bet she'd be beautiful, just like you... So I gotta make sure she doesn't fall for some creep!
Sonja: Haha, an overprotective father already?

wait what when did you learn to use Lippti and Teo's entrance what is going on whaaat


...That sneaky, wonderful, time-traveling bastard.

Yeah, seriously.

You do realize this is going to make everyone except Sonja think you're crazy, right?

I thought we'd just determined that he is not, in fact, resting, and is instead somehow running around the timestream learning new tricks and fixing things without me. :<

THIS GODDAMN GAME. Anyway, almost to the end now- stay tuned.

radiant historia, atlus, screencap adventure

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