Radiant Historia, Part 56- 3/3

May 12, 2013 15:30

As can be seen by my downright embarrassing overreactions to everything so far even though this is like my third time through the game, I don't CARE that we have just seen that he doesn't actually stay "dead", this still gives me a near-terminal case of the feels.

Uh... yes? It'd make more sense to comment on Heiss, dear.

Never mind, apparently you just wanted to set that up so you could hurt my soul even further. Jerk.

I think he knows perfectly well. He just doesn't agree with you.

Well, we don't know about his mom, but his dad hated his guts enough to MURDER him, so...

On the subject of irony, how about the fact that his uncle, who wants to DESTROY THE WORLD and spends most of the game trolling him and putting him in stupidly dangerous situations, is STILL a better parental figure than his actual dad?

Not Gafka. You met Gafka after you went rogue, remember?

You forgot the bit where he shot himself in the foot by putting you somewhere where you learned to act well enough to brazenly lie to his face. And erased all of the memories that might make you bitter about what happened. And just generally did a great job of turning you from someone who thought of him like a father into a relative stranger with both the skill and motive to lie to his face. It's both a little funny and a little tragic, really.

DAMMIT, you two, quit doing that.

Yup. All the sidequests are done, final boss beaten... all that's left is ending cutscenes and credits.

Yes, actually, it kind of was. A lot of it, anyway.

...And then the sad music suddenly cuts off.

Oh god, is that his boss music starting up?

Stocke reaches out towards him, but the screen flashes white and...

STOP MAKING JOKES WHILE I'M CRYING. There is, like, nothing more undignified than trying to cry, laugh, and drink tea all at the same time.

You get SO many points in your favor for realizing that.

Well, the alternative is staying here, and if it wasn't obvious by now, he's kiiinda a workaholic. Just sitting and watching would drive him crazy.

The last choice of the game. All it changes is one line of dialogue, so I'm going with the one that makes me start threatening to cry again.

...And roll credits.

For the first time in a very long while, the separate-y bars are back. 'cause if I left these the way DeSmuME saves them, the background art would look bizarre.

No matter how hard I try, I cannot make sense of Raynie's outfit. At all. And seeing it in more detail just makes it MORE confusing.


I still can't believe Bergas and Galva got portraits and Elm and Barranca didn't.

Protea may be a humongous bitch with the personality of a spoiled housecat, but she DOES know how to look snazzy.

And speaking of bad people with good clothes, Dias's coat. You have to see his full portrait to appreciate it properly, but it is amazing.

Selvan, however, looks like he's wearing a tablecloth.

Eruca, why the hell do you wear armor on your ARMS, but nowhere else? That is, like, the most useless thing, no wonder your defense is crap. We need to get Viola to take you shopping for plate mail.

And, of course, we end with our hero.

Thanks to this, it's impossible to lock yourself out of the true ending. Any items you used in the final boss fight get returned to you, and you've got free access to every point in the story you could get to from just before then. So if you miss some of the necessary sidequests, you can go back and hunt 'em down. I interpret that to mean, in-story, that Heiss saves him no matter what; you just don't get to see it without clearing all those random sidequests. And Stocke being himself, he refuses to leave the timeline alone until he's sure he's fixed everything he can.

236/236 complete. All 100% completion does is move the true ending cutscene before the credits and give you a warm glow of victory when you recall finally stamping the last of Master Vainqueur's heads into the ground, but still.

So, that was Radiant Historia, currently my favorite game ever. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this Screencap Adventure as much as I enjoyed writing it, albeit hopefully with less staying up until 2 AM on your collective parts (I really need to quit doing that). If anyone has any suggestions for other games I could snark about, I'd love to hear them; I'm thinking maybe Suikoden Tierkreis. So, finally- Nighteyes out.

radiant historia, atlus, screencap adventure

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