The Great Radiant Historia Spoiler Post

May 20, 2013 13:30

Okay, I lied. This is Lady Nighteyes, back for one more pseudo-episode of "Let's Play Radiant Historia!" As you may have noticed, this game involves a lot, and I mean a lot, of spoilers, so of course there are a lot of stupid jokes and comments I would have dearly loved to make except that they would give away important plot points. Because the thought of not sharing my every random observation is deeply distressing to me, I have instead shoved them all into this post for your perusal. There is a certain amount of duplication from some of my spoilered conversations in the comments sections, though.

First, I actually have a non-silly observation:

It occurred to me on a later playthrough that that is probably EXACTLY who they meant by that statement. They just didn't realize just how much he'd forgotten.

You mean... being a gorgeous time-traveling badass who doesn't have to put up with your stupidity all the time?

You have clearly not played very many video games if you think HE'S dumb. Or looked in a mirror, but that goes without saying.

I can't help but try to imagine the look on his face if somebody pointed out to him post-game that he's technically ahead of Eruca in the succession. There would probably be a distinct element of "Oh dear GOD no."

I'm not sure if it's funny or sad that I'm pretty sure he's dead serious here.

This, on the other hand, is (if you subscribe to my headcanon that Ernst was a bit more outgoing than Stocke) definitely sad. I don't think Heiss ever quite realizes that by rewriting his memories, he basically turned him into another person.

A friend of mine joked that the reason Raynie equips the same armor as the guys despite clearly not wearing any in her portrait and sprite is that since make-stuff-invisible spells seem to be so popular for treasure chests, she just has one on her armor because she's fashion-conscious, likes the distraction value, and thinks it's funny when people aim for her "unprotected" chest and their swords bounce off. This instantly became my new favorite theory when it occurred to me how perversely annoyed Raynie's likely to be when she realizes that the one person she'd be most willing to have admiring all that cleavage her dress shows is also one of the only people who can see through invisibility spells, and thus, can't see it.

Speaking of which...

Translation: Sorry, Marco, royalty only.

Nepotism! :D

I'm... really not sure I get the plan here, Heiss. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like pissing him off by trying to kill his friends might be a bit counterproductive to the whole "recruit him to be your successor" thing.

With the number of times he almost gets himself killed, the twins must be having trouble deciding whether to panic because if he does die they're going to have to go back and try all over again or be glad because they know this time they're almost certainly not going to have the problem they had with Heiss.

Can you imagine how awkward it would be if there was someone in the palace guards who'd been there for like ten years and recognized him?

What did she tell them, anyway? That must have been a really strange conversation. "Hey, we got a tip-off there's an Alistellian spy coming to kill me. Could you rescue him from the guards for me? You can spot him because he looks just like my brother."

Try to think of a way she could have answered that. I dare you.

And in front of her fire-slinging, heavily-armed, occasionally-overprotective older brother, to boot?


I know I make a lot of comments about picturing people's expressions, but seriously, try to imagine the look on this guy's face, it's amazing.

I can't help but wonder how much about what's actually involved with the ritual everyone actually knows. Like, the Resistance guys don't treat him like he's their old friend who just doesn't remember them, they treat him like he's a stranger who happens to look like their old friend. But they presumably know Eruca needs someone of royal blood to help with the ritual, so are they all assuming he's Victor's bastard son or something? Or are they just sort of awkwardly trying not to think about it?

Pierre definitely knows they're related, at least.

Since I don't think Will ever got introduced to our hero's dryly sardonic sense of humor, I think he must have forgotten he's not talking to Ernst there.

I find it kind of hilarious that Raynie is clearly trying to set the two of them up, and he doesn't even seem to notice that's what she's doing.

Also that Marco immediately makes the exact same assumptions she did.

And so does Garland. I bet everyone is mistaking their "What? No!" Westermarck-Effect-induced reactions for them being in denial.

I don't think I even need to say anything here.

Speaking of which, just a friendly reminder that Eruca has no idea why he doesn't remember her and isn't around when they get the explanation, so she probably spends almost all of the game thinking it's somehow her fault! :D

Dear, I'm pretty sure you insulted yourself two or three ways in that sentence alone. You might want to shut up now.

Yeah, I guess it would be a bit awkward to tell him, "Oh, and by the way, I don't know if you've noticed, but you're dead."

Rosch, when BOTH of the people with mystical mana-manipulation abilities tell you something weird is going down, YOU LISTEN TO THEM.


...He says while standing about ten feet from him...

Selvan totally just recognized him.

I, uh. MAY have edited this line in the transcript to make it slightly less obvious what she was about to say. >_>

Eruca, you were about to tell him he's your brother a minute ago. Why are you acting surprised now?

It's a regular family reunion in here.

This whole thing is even more satisfying if you interpret that "......" as Protea finally recognizing him. And subsequently FREAKING THE HELL OUT.

Anyway, that's most of it. But if you want more of my self-indulgent rambling about headcanons, I also wrote a pre-canon fanfic, which appears to be the only multi-chapter work in the entire fandom. So uh. Yeah. It's been fun, Suikoden Tierkreis Part 1 should be going up Sunday.

spoilered rotten, radiant historia, atlus

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