Scottishwillow’s fanfiction on LiveJournal

Apr 01, 2009 15:01

Collected here are details of all my fiction currently posted on LJ. Additional Torchwood and Doctor Who fiction can be found on Whofic (username WillowTree) but I'm gradually reposting this here.

Many thanks to all who have commented on my writing. Your constructive feedback helps keep me going.

Hope you enjoy

Page updated 12th April 2011

A/N:- This page contains details of all entries on lj from 2008-2010 - for fic from 2011 please look here.

Torchwood fanfiction | Doctor Who fanfiction | Glee fanfiction

Torchwood fanfiction

Drabbles | Longer pieces

(Mainly Jack and Ianto or team centric)

Drabbles - 100 words

Pre series

(tw100 challenge 117: Vintage: A revisit)(refers to classic Doctor Who story 'The War Machines')
In 1966, Jack protests against interagency information sharing.
(tw100 challenge #129: Trapped)
A teenage Ianto leaves Cardiff, and his old life, behind him.
Welcome home
(tw100 challenge #148: England)
Familiarity breeds comfort for Ianto.

Set during S1

A Sense of place
(tw100 challenge #139: Prodigal child)
After the events of Countrycide Ianto tries to reconnect with someone special
Electrical maintenance
(tw100 challenge: Episode tag - Everything Changes)
Ianto’s thoughts at the end of ‘Everything Changes’ whilst doing ‘electrical maintenance’ in the depths of the Hub.
Nothing changes
(tw100 challenge 118: Day One) Set at the very end of 'Everything Changes'
Jack makes Gwen an offer.
Forgiveness is hard (tw100 challenge: Episode tag - Cyberwoman)
Owen’s thoughts at the end of ‘Cyberwoman’
Out of time
(tw100 challenge 113: Alternative endings - Captain Jack Harkness)
After Owen opens the Rift in 'Captain Jack Harkness' things don't go as he had hoped.
Stop all the clocks
(tw100 challenge 115: Poetry) Set during/just after 'End of Days'.
With Jack gone the words of the poem resonated for Ianto more than ever.

Set during S2

Do they have high blood pressure?
(tw100 challenge 112: Mythical creatures: Miniature) Set post-‘Sleeper’.
Ianto was strangely reminded of the first time they used the mind-probe.
We'll always have Paris
(tw100 challenge #130: Redux/challenge #124/125: Reverse fandom: Star Trek)Set during 'Adam'
Memories are fragile
It's a small world
(tw100 challenge #120: Martha Jones)
Ianto is convinced he recognises Martha from somewhere.
The Light of day, The Dark of Night (tw100 challenge #115: Resurrection) Set during 'Fragments' with references to 'Exit Wounds'
Ianto in the aftermath of the explosion in the warehouse in 'Fragments'.

Set anytime from S1 onwards.

A better way to start your day
Ianto takes his hot chocolate seriously.
A taste of justice
(tw100 challenge #157: Heat)
Jack has a new obsession
A very European education
(tw100 challenge #176 - Journalism)
Jack's always learning
Big Brother is no longer watching you
(tw100 challenge #130: Redux/challenge #49: The Future)
Jack gives Ianto unwanted information about one of Gwen’s favourite TV programmes.
Colour me Beautiful
(tw100 challenge #177: Light is good)
Jack tries something lighter
Come dance with me
(tw100 challenge #131: BBC One)
Gwen makes a request of Jack.
Dark matter
(tw100 challenge #175: Drift)
A simple question leads Gwen and Jack to see Ianto in a new light
Don't let is slide
(tw 100 challenge #140: Winter Sports)
Ianto takes Jack's advice
End of an Era
(tw100 challenge #130: Redux/challenge #69: Kink)
Just after the last of the Woolworths chain of shops closed for good in the UK on 6th January 2009 Jack and Gwen consider how much they’ll miss them.
It started with a kiss (tw100 challenge 114: Fever)
Ianto’s feeling a little feverish but who or what’s to blame?
Leader of the Pack
(tw100 challenge #130: Redux/challenge #38: Rhys Williams)
Rhys takes part in the London marathon and it’s a surprising picture that keeps him going to the finish line.
Magnetic personality
(tw100 challenge #154: Heroes gone fishing)
Jack and Ianto’s day off doesn’t go as planned.
Maybe this time
(tw100 challenge #155: What could possibly go wrong?)
Jack gets it right
Mr Muscle
(tw100 challenge #130: Redux/challenge #42: Domestic Chores)
Jack suggests a new use for one of Ianto’s cleaning products.
Paper trail
(tw100 challenge #117 Vintage: A revisit)
Jack forgets Torchwood records everything.
Quick response
Torchwood always responds quickly...
Reasonable expenses
Jack tries to check Ianto's expenses claim.
Remember, remember
(tw100 challenge #135: Reverse fandom - Farscape)
Myfanwy has a bit of a meltdown
Roll 'em
(tw100 challenge #127: Moving on)
Jack and Ianto try a new experience
Seeing is believing
(tw100 challenge #137: Scotland)
Ianto sees something unexpected on a visit to Glasgow.
Small pleasures
Ianto's coffee just doesn't taste the same.
Tell tales
(tw100 challenge #153 - Creepy child)
Terms of endearment
Ianto takes exception to a term of endearment
The best job in the world
(tw100 challenge #130: Redux/challenge #81: Life after Torchwood)
Ianto’s been thinking about trying for a new job.
The cut of his jib
Ianto has a change of heart
(tw100 challenge #147: Pockets)
The eyes have it
(tw100 challenge #137: Scotland)
Ianto meets a familiar face.
The ties that bind
(tw100 challenge #179: Book titles)
Jack needs a bit of assistance
Torchwood Tribbles
(tw100 challenge 112: Mythical creatures: Miniature)
“Don’t…feed it!” Too late Ianto sighed inwardly.
Unreasonable expenses
(tw100 challenge #123: Archives)
Jack goes looking for something in the archives but cannot understand Ianto's filing system.
What the...?
(tw100 challenge #166 - Madeline L’Engle Titles)
What's occurin'?
(tw100 challenge # 156: Team Pet)
Andy gets an unwanted phonecall

Set post S2

Come dance with me
Gwen makes a request of Jack
(tw100 challenge #131: BBC One)
Hidden talents
Gwen discovers some of her team mates hidden talents.
(tw100 challenge #130: Redux/challenge #107: Children)
Mica Davies considers her family tree.

Longer pieces

Set pre-S1

Close encounters
Ianto had been interested in Jack Harkness long before the Battle of Canary Wharf. “Ianto Jones, you’re becoming obsessed,” Lisa laughed seeing the photo the Welshman held in his hand. “Though I must admit I can see why. He’s a bit of alright!”

Set during S2

Déjà vu
After walking in on Jack and Ianto in the Hub Hothouse why does Gwen feel she's been there before?
(includes flashback to pre-S1)
Finally home
Jack and Ianto’s first date doesn’t go quite as Jack had hoped
Frayed Temperatures
Jack takes action as temperatures soar in Cardiff
Set sometime around Meat/Adam
I came back for you
Jack finds a way to prove to Ianto that he came back for him.
Set mid-S2. Post CoE this is completely AU but it's one view of how things could (should?) have been.
Land of mountains
Jack takes a reluctant Ianto on a trip to the countryside.

Set post S2 or unspecificed

Caught on film
Jack finds some of Ianto's photo albums hidden away and, intrigued by their contents, wants to find out more.
Damnatio Memoriae
Some memories are supposed to remain forgotten.
Don't bet on it
Has Jack gone a step too far in his relationship with Ianto?
Fröhliche Wehnachten, Jack
Jack discovers another of Ianto's hidden talents. A little piece of Christmas related fluff.
Hymns: Ancient and Modern
The Face of Boe shared his love of music with Hame and the people of the motorway but why did he teach them hymns from present day Earth?
In memoriam
On another Remembrance Sunday, Jack remembers those he has lost.
On the outside, looking in
Ianto’s sister, Rhiannon, is concerned about her little brother. Her friend, journalist Cathy Salt, offers to find out more.
When the time comes
One particular piece of paper suddenly means a lot to Ianto, much to Jack’s surprise.
Wisdom's care
Jack finds out Ianto has lied to the team again but was he trying to deceive or protect his captain?


Doctor Who fanfiction

Tardis swim
Whilst travelling on the TARDIS the Brigadier’s grandchildren, Major Caroline and Flight Lieutenant Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, find something on the Tardis the Doctor has been trying to find for years.


Glee fanfiction

Drabbles (100 words)
A-camping we will go
The Hummels go camping
Baby blues
They say you don’t miss what you’ve never had.
Break point
Everyone has a breaking point, even Sue Sylvester.
He doesn’t mean to but sometimes Kurt still keep secrets. Luckily he has Burt…
Side effects

Songs of laughter
Burt hears an almost forgotten sound
What's in a name?
Sometimes reminders of things lost are a little too close to home.

Longer fiction
Mood music
Burt could tell Kurt’s mood from his choice of music.


doctor who (new), fanfiction, glee, torchwood, fanfic:masterlist

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