Baby blues

Jun 23, 2010 13:58

Title:- Baby blues
Summary:- They say you don’t miss what you’ve never had.
Word count:- 100
Characters:- Finn, Carole (Rachel and Kurt mentioned)
Rating:- G (Suitable for all)
Spoilers:- Inspired by the scene where Carole comes into Finn’s room unexpectedly but if you’ve seen the ep you’re fine.
Timeline:- Future fic
A/N:- Written for wmhs100’s challenge #12: Fathers Day.

Unbetaed so all mistakes mine. Comments appreciated.

Disclaimer:- Glee belongs to Ryan Murphy, Fox and others. Not me sadly.


“Were you just singing to a sonogram again?” Carole asked.

“Uh, no.” Finn tried not to look guilty as his mother cleared a space amongst the clutter he was sorting through and sat on the bed.

“Is Rachel pregnant?” Carole asked hopefully, knowing Finn and his wife would make great parents and Kurt would adore being an uncle.

Slowly, reluctantly, Finn shook his head unable to look at his mother.

“Oh, mom,” he sobbed. “Rachel, we,” he corrected himself. “We can’t… I’m sorry…”

Heart breaking and tears pricking her eyes Carole gathered Finn into her arms.

“Oh honey.”

drabble, glee, wmhs100 challenge, fic:g

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