Tending to stay at rest

Oct 01, 2006 03:34

It's sort of a sad statement that we didn't do much today. Kid-1 had her game in Montgomery County - a 4-0 win against an opponent that apparently they shouldn't have been playing, as the opposing team was in a younger age bracket. Kid-2 went to watch her friend's game at Covenant Park. They both returned later to find a new bike - well, one from a yard sale that my mother picked up, which was a lovely thing to do. I ended up going to my sister's new house, ostensibly to help her put up new curtains, but really we just ended up eating some pizza and moving a bit of furniture around; beyond that, there was a trip to the grocery store and some basic surfing and Baseball Mogulling online and such. DW stayed at home (after driving the kids around all morning) and I think was writing a bit.

Really, we were all kind of dealing with the shock of yesterday. We should have cleaned the house a bit. I would like to have done something, at least a visit, with Team Greykell, or seen The Rudes' Antony and Cleopatra, which looks very good and which we will see, oh yes (and belatedly, break a leg, you guys)...or done something with a friend whom I'd told I'd be free this weekend. muzikmaker21 and I had done another run-out-for-coffee evening a night or two ago, where we'd once again discussed, at my fanboyish urging, gaming at her place and also getting a band together (to see if my singing in Wayward Saints was a fluke, and just because it sounds fun). There's also the writing of my business plan. I have so many plans and goals that I could have done something with, and really need to do...and I just couldn't bring myself to do them. I don't think I was consciously in mourning, but the emotional stress we were all under after yesterday required some de-stress period, I suppose. I feel guilty about it, though.

Tomorrow at church we were going to be taking Winslow to be blessed (there's a "Blessing of the Animals" that the church does every year or so, which I'm not so certain how I feel about in the first place).

Vaguely related to that subject: still reading a book called Lost Christianities, which is a survey and treatment of the early books of the Christian church, and some of the now-unorthodox and heretical teachings, and how they got that way. There's also a spiritual component to my research into this; I'd like to determine what validity some of the Apocryphal books and Gnostic works and so on have given my own personal perception of Christ. No major revelations thus far (arf arf), but I do have a deeper appreciation of the early circumstances surrounding the writing of some of the New Testament.

I'm conscious of some problems with my diet. Everything I've been eating is making me tremendously full, and giving me some odd aches around my belly...I know these symptoms: my body is attempting to tell me that I'm not getting enough exercise, which is very true. That's a problem: winter is coming on, and I hate running in the cold. I can't skate, so I can't play hockey. I have no gym membership anywhere and not much money to get one. And I generally dislike exercising on my own. Some silly, running-about floor hockey might be possible...dunno; this might take some creative thinking and some forgiving and slightly crazed friends.

theatre, coffee, goals, christianity, soccer, my health, night out

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