3rd ♒ text

Nov 17, 2011 02:07


so normally i dont ask this but ( Read more... )

not like i need your help or anything, eridan's got swwag, eridan ampora: romance expert, baby got a first date

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Comments 171

[Text || Filtered] railsb4pails November 17 2011, 08:38:43 UTC
:33 < congratulations on the date!!
X33 < thats so exciting!!
:(( < sorry i cant help
:33 < i havent made it to goldenrod yet
:33 < good luck though!


[Text || Filtered] sciencebipches November 17 2011, 08:51:42 UTC
[... Why did she bother commenting if she didn't have any advice... Oh well, the congrats it nice all the same.]

thanks i guess
howw far are you from here anywway


[Text || Filtered] railsb4pails November 17 2011, 08:55:45 UTC
:33 < not very far!
:33 < i was really supurr close but then i made a furriend so i went back to violet
:33 < were heading over now
:33 < you should take pictures on your date!

[Since you're not as cr33py now that you have someone....]


[Text || Filtered] sciencebipches November 17 2011, 08:58:22 UTC
[Oh hey, that's actually a good idea. Huh, who knew Kitty Cat Shipper Cave Girls could think up good ideas!!]

couldnt you havve just wwaited for them to catch up
anywway that doesnt sound like a bad idea at all


text; ofmywill November 17 2011, 08:51:02 UTC
what kind of restaurant?


text; sciencebipches November 17 2011, 08:52:27 UTC
the good kind


text; ofmywill November 17 2011, 08:53:35 UTC
ok. check the sidestreets behind the game corner.
small and intimate. should work.


text; sciencebipches November 17 2011, 08:55:26 UTC
wwhat kinda human food does it got
not that im mucha expert on your cuisine or anythin but i havve had my fair share a it unfortunately


hackintheaster November 17 2011, 12:52:01 UTC
a date? Eridan, I'm heart broken. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME????

But no, seriously, there should be a good noodle place behind the Radio tower, from what I've learned. I didn't get a chance to go when I was there, but you should try it and tell me about it.


sciencebipches November 17 2011, 18:40:54 UTC
yep a date sorry rob but it just had to be done
but if ya really wwant me rob i mean fuck i do havve three other open quadrants

[Sad part is, he isn't entirely kidding there.]

oh wwell ill havve to check it out i got about twwo days before the date itself so ivve a lot a wwork to do
ill havve to test it see you humans eat a lot a different shit than wwe do so some a its dowwnright fuckin wweird


hackintheaster November 17 2011, 18:49:57 UTC
I feel cheated. :C

Wait, which quadrants do you have open? And what do they mean again? Kar explained them to me a while ago but I don't really remember the specifics.

[Oh don't worry, Eridan. Rob will personally take up all your empty quadrants.]

What do you trolls eat, anyway? So I know for future reference when I whisk you away on a secret date that Kar doesn't get to know about.

I mean what.


So long I'm sorry dfkjhsjdk sciencebipches November 17 2011, 19:21:37 UTC
shooosh youll get ovver i knoww im such a prize an all ( ... )


[text] p2iioniichacker November 17 2011, 16:25:12 UTC
Y0U have a date??
why w0uld any0ne in their right mind ever agree t0 that?


[text] sciencebipches November 17 2011, 18:47:35 UTC
im datin material an just because you empty lobed idiots nevver fuckin thought so doesnt mean any fuckin different


[text] p2iioniichacker November 18 2011, 03:21:07 UTC
fine then. wh0 is it?


[text] sciencebipches November 18 2011, 03:54:09 UTC
none a your flippin business


Text; 8etterl8 November 17 2011, 18:45:34 UTC
You've got a d8 already.
Is it Dave again?
Please telling me you're d8ing the Dave human again!


text; sciencebipches November 17 2011, 18:49:22 UTC
oh shit i kinda forgot about him
he did howwevver say wwe wwere a thing before wwhen i wwas here
but wwhatevver i got bigger ships to sink right noww
so no its not him an youre not gonna figure out wwho it is either so unless you got something wworthwwhile to say then fuck off


text; 8etterl8 November 17 2011, 18:59:09 UTC
Yeah, well he 8roke up with former you pretty hard.
I hear he only did it as one 8ig ironic joke!

You coooooooould take your mysterious new d8 to a movie.
That's a thing that humans do.

[Look, she's playing nice for the moment.]


text; sciencebipches November 17 2011, 19:39:33 UTC
wwell then its all for the better i forgot about his deceivvin ass
he came to me not long after i showwed up again tryin to wwoo me but wwhatevver i got someone more important

a movvie huh do they got any good ones here

[He certainly wasn't expecting any help from Vriska, that's for certain. Kinda odd, but seriously he doesn't mind.]


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