I was so random this weekend. A bunch of my friends and I piled in my car on Saturday and drove to Shreveport LA to gamble. It was my first time gambling and suffice it so say kinda my last time. I only lost about 30 dollars but I lost 30 dollars and got NOTHING BACK. That boggles my mind. I would rather lose 30 bucks on some product
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I have been strep throat type sickie for the last week. Im soooooooooo postive I got it from Canon (that guy from earlier entries). It got really bad this weekend when my tonsils got swollen to the size of like half dollars. I went to the doctor and realized I picked the worst insurance plan in the world to get sick on. I basically was out of
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Okay its no so much as I was pissy as I just wanted to be home. I dont know why because Terry is being a punk as usual but I just wanted to be oh so comfy at home and reading and relaxing and watching movies and pigging out and I shouldve just gone with my gut at the beginning of the week and just have staid at home. All well
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