And it's 71 in here. 71! I actually wanted to put on a t-shirt when I got out of bed at five--and I might even have some tea.
Been dealing with waves of kafuffle, between getting ready to hit the trail for the east coast this coming Sunday. Intermittent writing time.
Speaking of, A TIME OF DAUGHTERS, first half, comes out a week from today. If anyone wants an e-copy for possible reviewing purposes, let me know. I guess I ought to have asked earlier, but 1) pile-up of chores, 2) I depend on volunteers to help with production, as I'm already deep in debt on this book, and things were not all ready until yesterday, and 3)I'm so very bad at marketing--it didn't occur to me to ask until this morning at about two a.m. when I thought, oh, wait. . . .
Second book slated for December release, so both halves out this year.
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