Manic Monday

Oct 14, 2002 12:31

Had an OK weekend, overall. Spent midday with the mocha-rrific DanceWench, then headed to Mousie's for notes on our shooting strategy for the weekend. I'm not as nervous as I would have thought, but perhaps that's because I can focus on this as a production when I start to freak. What's approrpriate for meeting one's birth mother for the first time anyway? I'm not really unnerved about her, she is very cool. It's the brother and sister and nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles and every freakin' person in the damn town all waiting to meet me. Eeeeeek! (Not to mention I'm gonna look like I should be floating down 5th Avenue on Thanksgiving Day in the Macy's parade.... )

Later, went to the theatre with Mermaid. It was fabulous to see "The Winter's Tale" done so well, and with people I really like all over the stage! (nyxia in particular was so lovely and graceful... I was duly impressed!) We planned to go to the Dallas Scaregrounds to haunted house, then hook back up iwth the crew for an impromptu cast party... but that was a place that was scary for all the wrong reasons. No place two girls should go alone. We decided we'd go back with boys. So we went to this place in Lewisville. Did their hayride last year and it was lame. But the haunted house this year was really spooky!!! We met up with a gay hispanic couple for safety in numbers and apparently our nervous prattle amused them a lot. Fun, fun, FUN! Didn't get out until almost 1am, however. No beers for us. :-( I want to check out Screams too, but will have to see what I can juggle as I'm in Michigan next weekend (eeek again!) and vail will be in town the weekend after that... anyone got passes I can scam? ;-)

Puttered yesterday. My sister punkinbutt was supposed to come in as she's got to work the state fair on Tuesday, but they've given her another class to teach and she needed to spend the time preparing. Bummer. Made 2 really good batches of soup, though, and some sun dried tomato & basil bread. Tackled laundry too, as I was getting down to the Tarzan underwear (the stuff with holes in it).

Looks like they're gonna offer me that training position. Should be effective November 1st. It will make me more marketable, should I have to stay in Corporate America for longer than I planned... which is a good thing, I guess. I'm fond of back up plans. It will also involve learning a whole hell of a lot of challenging stuff. Usually I like that too. But this just really feels like a means to an end so I'm not that jazzed, or more nervous than jazzed perhaps. I'll travel about 30% of the time and get a corporate card (woot!) so I guess it's good. Gonna have to clean up my credit report so I can get a laptop, because it's not optional to let this interfere with Tempest. I should get $2-4K more a year, which will help me pay down debt and start on that nest egg, helping me get the hell out of here faster. Woot again!

So why am I feeling more blase than anything? Lingering betrayal? Boredom with corporate crap? Probably a bit of both, with some intimidation thrown in. Hurm.

I did have to laugh when my SVP said, "We're going to spend several thousand dollars sending you to training for this, so I'll need a commitment from you that this is the direction you want to take." I smiled and assured her it was. But puhleeze, if Tempest gets a distributor for any of our work that means flipping great wodges of cash coming my way and I will come in once more, wearing nothing but boots and a smile, with "Kiss" written on one cheek and "My" written on the other. So I wasn't entirely forthcoming... turnabout is fair play, after all.

Besides, FlamingoKing had an interesting take on things. Apparently the kind of cancer from which she is currently in remission still only has a 10% survival rate after 5 years. She may figure, "Screw it, I'm doing what I want cuz I won't be on this planet that long." Who knows.

Damn, it's lunch time. I'm starving and I have errands to run. It's gonna be highs in the 40s at home, so I need to get my woolies out of storage, and find appropriate footwear. (OK, I may be using it as a cheap excuse to buy new shoes but one of my favorite pairs had a blowout!)

P.S. One last happy tidbit... down 2 pounds last week, and had a great, invigorating walk on Saturday. 1.5 miles in 25 minutes. Go me!

health, friends, family, exercise, tempest, reunions, work

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