So I found another one of these thingies floating around, so I decided to fill it out, because I could. It’s another one of those random Q&A thingies.
1. What curse word do you use the most?
2. Do you own an iPod?
No, although I’ve thought about it. My only beef with it is I can’t play regular MP3s.
3. What person on your flist do you talk to the most?
I can’t really say. I talk to a lot fo people on twitter, but not LJ so much anymore.
4. What time is your alarm clock set to?
7:30 during the week and 8:00 on weekends.
5. Do you still remember the first person you kissed?
Yep, it was with Moe at summer camp. Right on the slab. I remember it as if it were yesterday.
6. Do you remember where you were on 9/11/01?
Heavily involved in church then. A friend of mine and I worked in a program called Tuesday school for infants and tottlers. Her husband was in the military, so she found everything out first hand. She called me and insisted I turn the television on. I was off work that day, so after Tuesday school, I stayed home the rest of the day.
7. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
I found that since I can see enough to use my cell phone’s camera, I love taking pictures.
8. What was the last movie you watched?
It was a series called Seeker, based on the Sord of Truth books.
9. Do any of your friends have children?
Oh sure!
10. Has anyone ever called you lazy?
Oh yah: especially when I was a kid.
11. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep?
I have something I can take as needed.
12. What cd is currently in your cd player?
I don’t play CD’s anymore since I have my MP3 Player.
13. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Chocolate, of course.
14. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Oh sure.
15. When was the last time you had Starbucks?
Wednesday, after grocery shopping. Caramel Lotte, Baby!
16. Can you whistle?
Not to save my life. I try, but it comes out too airy.
17. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
His voice and accent.
18. What are you looking forward to?
A regular swim routine
19. Did you watch cartoons as a child?
I watched a few: Fraggle Rock and Smurfs.
20. Do you own any band t-shirts?
Oh god no! I was never into that.
21. What will you be doing in one hour?
22. Is anyone in love with you?
James had better be, or there’s a serious problem. LOL! As far as anyone else? Well, I’m not sure I’d want to know.
23. What was the last song you heard?
Some Riana song Katy was listening to. All I know was she was saying “What’s my name? Oh na na” and something about going downtown with a girl like her. Yah, todays music, whatcha want?
24. Last time you cried?
Last Sunday.
25. Are you on a desktop computer or a laptop?
Desk top. I’m thinking of getting a lap top.
26. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
I’ve been thinking about a tattoo, but not sure exactly what I want.
27. What’s the weather like?
Last I checked, it was a bit overcast.
28. Would you ever date a girl/guy covered in tattoos?
Sure. I don’t have a problem with it.
29. What did you do before this?
RSS feeds
30. When is the last time you slept on the floor?
A couple years ago when Tasha and I spent the night at Candi’s.
31. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
At least 7.
32. Do you eat breakfast daily?
If you count Kefir
33. Are your days fast-paced?
They can be most of the time.
34. What did you do last night?
Went swimming at my friend Kelleigh’s.
35. Do you use sarcasm?
Huh! Do I really have to answer that? Sweet innocent me?
36. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
I would like to invoke my fifth amendment privilege.
37. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
Sometimes something will really get to me, but I don’t make a big deal out of most errors, because I’m not perfect myself.
38. Have you ever been to six flags?
Yes, the ST. Louis one on my senior trip.
39. Do you get along better with the same sex or the opposite sex?
It doesn’t matter to me. I look at the person first before the gender.
40. Do you like mustard?
Yah, Horse raddish musterd, and Wasabi mustard, Baby!
41. Do you sleep on your side?
Yes…I have to, or I can’t breathe right.
42. Do you watch the news?
Sometimes, if it’s on.
43. How did you get one of your scars?
The only one I have was from Kathy Jack. Need I say more?
44. Who was the last person to make you mad?
Well…James and I had a bit of a blow-out last night.
45. Do you like anybody?
Yah, I like lots of people. I think it’s a requirement that you have to like all your friends, isn’t it?
46. What is the last thing you purchased?
A rainbow bridge chakra candle holder, my red and yellow candle sticks, and an extra candle holder for rituals.
47. What side of the heart do you draw first?
I can’t draw a heart to save my life. But I usually start in the middle.
48. Can you dive without plugging your nose?
No, something to work on, I guess.
49. What color is your razor?
I think it’s white or grey. Nto sure.
50. What is your blood-type?
Honestly…I forgot.
51. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
Um…nobody. I’m afraid I’d go insane if I was tied to anyone for that long.
52. What is a rumor someone has spread about you?
That I’m faking my blindness. My condition doesn’t show, because it’s an optic nerve developmental issue, so I don’t look like I have a vision problem, but I do have some vision out of my right eye, so people think I’m just pretending.
53. How do you feel about carrots?
They remind me of Kerry bear, but other than that, they’re OK.
54. How many chairs at the dining room table?
55. Who is the best Spice Girl?
I could care less. I was never into them.
56. Do you know what time it is?
It’s just a key stroke away.
57. Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song?
No. the show was funny though.
58. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
I keep an MP3 player with books on it for a reason. I also have my phone, so I might randomly text people while waiting to get out.
59. What’s your favorite kind of gum?
60. T or F: All’s fair in love and war?
In most cases, F, but there are those where fighting is appropriate.
61. Do you have a crush on anyone?
I had a girl crush, but not so much anymore.
62. Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
I do, but I try not to use them, because I don’t know the meaning.
63. Do you like to sleep?
Yes. It seems to be my favorite thing to do as of late.
64. Do you know which U.S. states; Canadian provinces don’t use Daylight Savings time?
Not really. I think Indiana doesn’t, but that’s all I know. Correct me if I’m wrong.
65. Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?
I know some fo the words, but I’d have to hear it to remember them again.
66. Do you want a bright yellow ‘06 mustang?
No, I’ll take a bright yellow labbie though. If I could drive, I’d want mine to be bright red.
67. What’s something you’ve always wanted?
A red-tip Siamese cat so I can name him Felix 2.0
68. Do you have hairy LEGS?
Huh, yah.
69. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
Ocean…hands down. As long as I don’t get salt water up my nose.
70. Do you wear a lot of black?
Yah, it looks better on me.
71. Describe your hair:
Dark brown, down to the middle of my back. Somewhat wavy.
72. Do you have Entomophobia?
Yes. Insects are nasty.
73. Are you an adult?
Physically yes, but I’m sure people would disagree otherwise. LOL!
74. Where is/are your best friend( s)
One is in Texas with her husband and daughter, and one is local…probably at home relaxing with her husband.
75. Do you have a tan?
Huh no. I’m in Rochester where the sun hardly ever shines. LOL!
76. Are you a television addict?
No. I don’t really watch TV that much.
77. Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?
I did last time I saw her, and that was back in 2002.
78. Are you a sugar freak?
I like it in my coffee, and I love my hard candies.
79. Do you like orange juice?
Yah, love the stuff.
80. What sign are you?
I’m on the cusp between Sagitarius and Capricorn. It makes things difficult sometimes.
Originally published at
Life in the Nuthouse. Please leave any
comments there.