Happenings of the past week

Jun 05, 2011 10:47

Well, a lot has happened this week, so I’ll try to remember everything as much as I can.
Sunday was the trip to the distillery for dinner with the crew; Tasha, Bonnie, Julie, Kim, Catherine, and Kelleigh and the boys. We all pigged out as usual, and talked about different things. I was finally able to open up to Tasha about some things, and we agreed to get together by ourselves and talk. I got my BBQ fix, as well as my cheesy potato skin and sour cream fix, and all was good. There was no drama, no bullshit, and we all had a good time. I had three drinks and half of Tasha’s so I was not drunk, but feeling pretty good and relaxed by the time I got home. Kelleigh and I talked about some of us girls meeting at her place a couple nights a week for swimming. I was totally all for that idea. I need the exercise, and water is therapeutic for me.
Monday was Memorial Day, and I worked it. It was dead as a doornail, but a certain supervisor kept us busy and made things interesting. That night, we grilled burgers and watched TV. It was a quiet night. One highlight of that day was I finally caught up with my friend, Duane, who I hadn’t spoken to in years. I think I was a junior in high school when we last spoke, so it was really good to catch up with him. He’s doing well; accept like many in this country, he lost his job. He’s got a wife and two kids, and for the most part, very happy. I’m glad to hear that most of my high school friends have done well for themselves.
Tuesday was work as usual. We did burgers again. We ended up catching a movie that night as well. The house was hot, and I think we all needed to be in some air conditioning, but it turned out to be a good movie. We saw Source Code, which is kind of like a sci-fi alternate reality type movie. This captain is dead, but they figured out a way to save his brain, and use him for a mission to find out who bombs this train, so they can stop him from bombing other targets. It led Michael and me into a discussion about time-travel and alternate reality books.
Wednesday I had off, because it was a floater, and I was finally able to get to the sleep doctor. It is confirmed that I definitely do have mild sleep apnea. He said long-term goals; lose weight. I already knew that, but having him say it helps. So I’m going to plan some exercise routines so I can get some of this weight down. But for now, they’re going to measure me for the CPAP machine. I have to go back on the 16th and spend another night there so they can measure me and make sure it’s working properly. I told him about what happened a couple weeks ago when I had a dream that I was on a bus with hundreds of people, and I felt like I was suffocating. I remember in the dream that there were two people I could call for help, but was afraid to scream, even though I wanted to. When I woke up, I couldn’t catch my breath and had to actually get up and walk around in order to do so. The same thing happened the night I took the sleep test, only it wasn’t as bad. So we’ll see if the machine helps. I think with that and the exercise and burning fat, I should be able to kick it. After that, we went grocery shopping, came back, and I made meatloaf and pasta salad for dinner.
Thursday night was circle again, and I had an awakening of sorts. We got to talking about the Egyptian god Thoth, because I was asking them what they knew about him. Somehow the god Ra came up, and Heather started telling a story about him, and some of the things she said reminded me of some dreams I had when I was little. I need to dig deeper and find out if there is something to this, and if so, what do I need to do? I was also asked to work on the element of air, which is in the east. It’s something I need to work on, because it involves communication, and getting messages across properly. Afterwards, we went and got ice cream, and went to say hi to a friend.
Friday was pretty uneventful. I stayed in the PJ’s all day until about five or so, when I showered and got ready for the new moon ritual. It turned out to be a very powerful one.
Yesterday we did the public market, because we needed to get some fruits and meats. In spite of the rain, it was still pretty busy. It usually is on Saturdays. Then we did singing bowl meditation. I did some more meditation on East and found out some rather shocking and interesting stuff involving my own life. While I was at the psychic store, I found a rainbow bridge chakra candle holder, which I purchased so I can work on my chakras. Michael and I took the runes class. We signed up for a three-part course. He’s doing it for the first time, and I’m doing it as a refresher, because I already took an eight-part class three years ago. This time I came somewhat more prepared. I brought index cards and made my own flash cards that I can study from. After class, Kelleigh and her husband picked me up, and we went back to her house for some quality time hanging out by the pool. She used to be on a swim team, so she taught me some good swim exercises I can work on during our twice-a-week swim meet. I feel OK today, but my arms are a little soar this morning. After swimming, we ordered pizza and watch Jeff Dunham on net flicks until they took me home. When I got home, I learned that Tapioca isn’t so terrible as long as it’s done right, and has raspberries in it.
I finally bit the bullet and stopped reading Anita Blake. I just couldn’t deal with it anymore. Don’t get me wrong. I like to read stories with sex in them, but not quite like that. It seemed to be all they did in the books, or they were dealing with Richard, who gets pissed off at everything she does now. Finally after reading maybe a third of the Harlequin, I just had to stop. I actually got through two stand-alone books this week; Room by Emma Donahue, and Push by Sapphire. They were both highly recommended and very awesome books. I loved reading Room, because even though it was an adult book, it was told through the eyes of a five-year-old child, who knew nothing accept for the room he and his mother were locked in. I loved reading his thoughts as he began to get acclimated to the outside world. Some parts were sad, but some parts were absolutely fucking hilarious, but all in all, it was an awesome book. I started reading Eat Pray Love the other night, but I haven’t’ read enough to know if I’ll like it yet or now.
Well, I’m out of here. So I’ll be seeing you on the flip side.

Originally published at Life in the Nuthouse. Please leave any comments there.

reading, friends, runes, spirituality, meditation, spiritual stuff

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