Doc Chicago: Chapter #15

Jan 08, 2014 21:54

Title: Doc Chicago
Author: sajaal
Rating: G to R (just in case)
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Holden Snyder, Aaron Snyder, Dr. Bob Hughes, Katie Snyder and a myriad of atwt and original characters
Disclaimer: Not mine, and I really mean no harm and all mistakes are mine.

A/N:  This is partly AU and partly not.  I have to thank zzzfreckles for asking me to consider writing a Luke and Reid version of the movie Doc Hollywood starring Michael J. Fox.   I’ve been pondering the idea for quite a few months and it slowly formed in my head.  A fun-fic-Friday prompt lead me to the Prequel and I’ve changed a few things to fit my storyline…enjoy everyone!!!

Chapter #15

The meeting went unexpectedly better than anticipated and they discussed Reid’s list and the changes to the design.

“Well everyone I’ll need to go through the budget and see what our shortfall is,” Bob had remarked at the end of the meeting, “I also need the architect to rework the current plans,” Bob added rolling up the blueprints and securing them with a rubber band.

“Bob send the numbers over to me when you’re done and I’ll see what I can do,” Luke offered and everyone around the table stopped talking and looked over at him, “Changing the design to include the waiting areas was my suggestion so I’ll check with my foundation director and see if we’ll be able to fund it.”

“Luke, that’s wonderful,” Bob told him smiling happily and walking over to shake his hand and just before he reached Luke his pager went off, “Shoot I have to go Luke, can you take these to the architects office in Olde Town?”

Luke looked down at the roll, “Sure Bob, you’re using Marcus Jackson right?  He’s done some work for Worldwide so I know where his office is,” Luke told Bob who nodded as Luke grabbed the roll from his outstretched hand before he turned to go.

“Same time next week everyone,” Bob called as he walked quickly out the door.

Luke grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder the architect’s prints in his hand.

“Hey Luke, thanks for offering to help with the budget,” Chris Hughes said as he walked passed, “At least someone is thinking about all of the departments,” he added fixing a glare at Reid.

Reid snorted in response, “Give me a break Doogie your list is pretty extensive for pediatrics so don’t go pointing fingers.”

“Yeah right Oliver, my expenses are less than a quarter of what you’re planning to spend,” Chris argued back his face red and hostile.

“I guess you know which one is more important,” Reid quipped walking past and Luke just shook his head and chuckled.

“You know he just loves to rile people up Chris, don’t listen to him he’s just yanking your chain,” Luke said as he slapped Chris on the back as he followed Reid out.

“Yeah, he’s a riot,” Chris muttered in response.

“No I don’t,” Reid said to Luke as he stepped into the hallway and Luke blushed.

“Uh, yeah you do,” he answered truthfully and watched a smile lift the corners of Reid’s soft lips, he looked up and that flare of recognition could be seen in those blue eyes at Luke’s subtle flirtation.

“You don’t know me very well Mr. Snyder,” Reid told him quietly, the challenge definitely there.

“Maybe not but I think I’m starting to figure you out,” Luke answered his brown eyes twinkling as he chewed on his bottom lip.  Reid met his gaze and then sighed rubbing a hand across his forehead, he was too tired for a witty comeback. “Are you okay Dr. Oliver?” Luke asked in concern his brown eyes questioning.

“Yeah, just tired, Mr. Snyder,” Reid offered as they started walking down the hallway, “I had my first PT appointment this morning and now my wrist and fingers are aching,” he babbled and Luke walked quietly beside him trying not to disturb this moment when Dr. Reid Oliver almost seemed human.

“You should probably head back to Katie’s and rest,”Luke told him seriously as they stopped in front of the elevator, “Some pain meds and ice on your wrist would help.”

“Are you the doctor now?” Reid asked in surprise at Luke’s words, another grin on his face.

Luke chuckled and then smiled at Reid and it took Reid’s breath away to see those dimples, “Uh, no but I do know that doctor’s are horrible patients.”  Reid snorted in response as the elevator doors opened and Luke stepped in, “Are you going down?” Luke asked and Reid hesitated for a second, he hated elevators and always took the stairs but he wanted to stay in Luke’s company, enjoying the banter with him and stepped in.

He let out a deep breath as the door closed and the elevator began to descend and then suddenly it stuttered and stopped.

“Oh shit!” Luke moaned, “I thought Casey told maintenance to fix this before our meeting.”

“What?” Reid cried out in dismay, “You knew that the elevators were broken, fuck!” he added already feeling the walls closing in.

“That was over an hour ago someone should’ve fixed it or put an out of service sign on it if it was still causing problems,” Luke explained in exasperation watching Reid and seeing the blood drain from his face and hearing his breathing speed up, “Dr. Oliver are you okay?” he asked reaching out and grabbing Reid’s left wrist unwittingly squeezing the already sore hand.

“Fuck!” Reid gasped pulling his hand away and glaring at Luke.

“Oh shit, sorry Dr. Oliver you’re just looking very pale and you’re starting to sweat,” Luke apologized and put a hand up to Reid’s forehead.

“I’m not very good in tight places Mr. Snyder,” Reid admitted breathing faster and gulping air.

Luke stroked Reid’s forehead and spoke softly, “Listen to me Dr. Oliver, focus on my voice,” Reid looked at him and rolled his eyes and Luke just stared at him, “Think about something else, something that you remember,” Luke spoke quietly focusing on Reid’s breathing.

Reid closed his eyes and when he opened them he said, “Yes,” and Luke looked at him in confusion, and Reid explained, the memory was painful but comforting at the same time, “Yes, I have waited for a loved one in a cold and bleak waiting room.”

“Tell me about it?” Luke asked softly watching the emotions flicker across Reid’s face, pain and sadness.

“Uh, I was young about six and a half and I remember it was blue, cold and blue, floors and tiles,” Reid told Luke his voice monotone as he relived the memory in his mind.

Luke watched and listened as Reid’s breathing slowed, “So you remember what it was like, how horrible it was to wait for your loved one until you could see how they were doing.”

Reid shook his head, “I never saw her again, my dad had her cremated and her ashes were spread on a tiny lake in up-state New York where they spent there honeymoon,” Reid told Luke wistfully, lost in his own thoughts.

“I’m so sorry Reid,” Luke spoke without thinking and Reid looked up sharply seeing his pain and sadness reflected in those brown eyes.

Reid nodded in acknowledgement, “It was a long time ago,” he murmured as the elevator jerked to life and Reid escaped having to tell Luke about his father’s death.  At least he didn’t wait in the hospital, instead he was held in the arms of his best friend David’s mom as he cried uncontrollably.

Luke’s mouth was still agape as the elevator stopped on the main floor, “Are you okay now, Dr. Oliver?” Luke asked again concern marring his perfect brow.

Reid nodded the moment of sharing and baring his soul to Luke Snyder over but he knew he’d heard his name on Luke’s lips and realized how good it sounded, “I’m good Mr. Snyder,” he managed to say and walked out past Orderly Hughes, who looked over at Luke with a questioning gaze.

“Casey!” Luke exclaimed as he turned from watching Reid’s lithe form walk through the hospital’s main doors, “I thought someone was supposed to fix the elevator.”

Casey gestured to the one beside the one Luke had stepped out of, “They did, but it was that one not the one you and Dr. Oliver were in.”

“Well you better contact maintenance again, that was scary and Dr. Oliver doesn’t like tight spaces and almost had a full blown panic attack,” Luke revealed to Casey, he was still reeling from Reid’s story, what a terrible thing for a young boy to lose his mom.  Luke and his mom had their problems but he could never imagine life without her.

He began to wonder who Reid Oliver really was and he couldn’t deny that he’d wanted to gather the man in his arms and soothe the pain and grief he must’ve felt when he lost his mother.  Yes Dr. Reid Oliver was an enigma and Luke Snyder was intrigued by him as well as attracted to him.  It surprised Luke these feelings for the doctor he barely knew but they were real and he wanted to explore them.  The looks coming from Reid showed an interest but Luke wasn’t sure what they meant or if Reid was gay but he would proceed with caution and get to know Dr. Reid Oliver and maybe they could at least be friends.

“Hey earth to Luke, are you with me Snyder?” Casey asked trying to suppress the grin on his face, “So, how did you manage to keep Dr. Oliver from cracking up?”

“Oh, ah, yeah I told him to think of something else, a memory and well he did and it worked,” Luke stammered and Casey wondered what Dr. Oliver could have told him since Luke couldn’t keep his eyes off the man as he left the hospital.  Luke had spent the past few minutes staring at the doors Reid had walked out of.

dr. reid oliver, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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