Doc Chicago: Chapter #16

Jan 11, 2014 20:56

Title: Doc Chicago
Author: sajaal
Rating: G to R (just in case)
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Holden Snyder, Aaron Snyder, Dr. Bob Hughes, Katie Snyder and a myriad of atwt and original characters
Disclaimer: Not mine, and I really mean no harm and all mistakes are mine.

A/N:  This is partly AU and partly not.  I have to thank zzzfreckles for asking me to consider writing a Luke and Reid version of the movie Doc Hollywood starring Michael J. Fox.   I’ve been pondering the idea for quite a few months and it slowly formed in my head.  A fun-fic-Friday prompt lead me to the Prequel and I’ve changed a few things to fit my storyline…enjoy everyone!!!

Chapter #16

Reid couldn’t believe he’d told Luke Snyder about his mother’s death, it was a weak moment in Reid’s usually stalwart personality.  Only David, Mel, and now Katie had been allowed in.  Each of them knew how break through Reid’s bullshit and apparently Luke Snyder could as well.

Reid could still hear his name on Luke Snyder’s lips and he wanted to hear it again.  Preferably as the man lay beneath him and his voice filled with passion.  Reid shook his head with the fanciful thoughts and thanked the barista at Java for his large caramel latte with an extra shot.   He needed it today, he had another appointment with Brune Hilda in a half an hour and he hoped the caffeine and sugar buzz would help him through the pain.

“Hey Dr. Oliver,” a smiling Luke Snyder said as he passed by heading into Java, “Some of your car parts have arrived.”

“Ah, that’s great.  Uhm, Mr. Snyder, thanks for telling me,” Reid replied in surprise.

“No problem I thought you’d be interested and Aaron told us at dinner last night,” Luke offered as he walked into Java giving Reid another smile and a small wave.

Reid nodded in response bowled over by Luke’s friendly attitude and that amazing smile.

“Hey Ian,” Luke greeted the young barista at Java, but turned to take one last look at Reid.

“That Dr. Oliver sure is a character,” Ian said with a shake of his head and Luke turned back to him his gaze questioning.

“What do you mean?” Luke asked intrigued with Ian’s words.

“Well, everyone seems to have a type of coffee depending on their personality,” Ian began to explain and started to make Luke’s usual vanilla bean latte, “But Dr. Oliver breaks the mold, I figured he was a straight dark roast, no milk, no sugar, just black.”

“And?” Luke asked wondering what else the straight-laced doctor would order.

“A large caramel latte with an extra shot,” Ian told Luke dramatically shaking his head, “He’s put a huge hole in my theory,” he grumbled handing Luke his drink.

Luke chuckled and thanked him digesting the information Ian had revealed about Dr. Reid Oliver, “So you didn’t want to work for your dad this summer?” Luke questioned Ian as Ian wiped down the counter.

“I’m still working with him in the afternoons but I spend the mornings here,” Ian told Luke.  Ian was the son of Markus Jackson the architect designing the new wing.

Markus was Bonnie MacKechnie’s cousin and Ian had inherited the high cheekbones and his lithe form reached a few inches over Luke’s height.  His brown eyes were warm and filled with humour and his mocha skin was smooth and soft.  He was beautiful and although attractive Luke didn’t feel the pull that he had when Reid was around.  Ian like Danny was younger than Luke and he’d spent the previous year at the University of Chicago studying architectural history and was home over the summer months.

“So, uhm, are you staying in Oakdale now?” Ian finally asked Luke, he’d heard the rumours but he wasn’t sure they were true.

“Yeah, I’m done with L.A.,” Luke told Ian glancing up to see the friendly curiosity in those brown eyes, “Noah and I have broken up,” Luke added and saw a flicker of happiness in Ian’s eyes before he hid it.

“I’m sorry to hear that Luke, you two were together for a long time,” Ian told Luke sincerely.  Ian knew the whole sordid story of Noah’s treatment of Luke and secretly did a fist pump in his mind with Luke’s news.

“Oh, Ian do you know if you’re dad has the new blueprints ready?  We have another meeting this afternoon,” Luke asked choosing not to respond to Ian’s comment about him and Noah.

“Ah, I’m not sure Luke but I’ll check when I go in and if they’re ready I can bring them to the hospital,” Ian offered and Luke looked at him in surprise.

“That’s okay Ian I can check I’m downtown now,” Luke replied watching a flush creep up Ian’s neck.

“Really Luke, I’d be more than happy to drop them off, don’t bother stopping in,” Ian ducked his head trying to avoid Luke’s curious stare.

Ian had been trying to build up the courage to bump into that hot Danny Hughes.  Ian was completely smitten with the light brown haired, green-eyed boy who Ian had only seen from afar.  Luke decided to give in and smirked at Ian knowing that he needed some excuse to come to the hospital.

“Okay, fine, I’ll see you this afternoon,” Luke agreed and paid for his coffee and gave Ian one more curious look and Ian just smiled and nodded.

Luke headed to his office he liked the sound of that, his office.  He’d finally made the call to Noah on the weekend breaking the news to him about Reid’s refusal.  Noah had moaned and whined but Luke didn’t care the longer he was away from Noah the better he felt.  His grandma Emma was feeding him, and Holden and Aaron were able to keep him sane.  Then there was Casey, man he loved his friend, such a rock for Luke in his time of need.

He knew that Casey was still reeling from Allison and Vienna’s betrayal and had sworn off women.   Luke knew it wouldn’t last long but for now he would cherish the time he could be with his friend.  It had been a long time since they both had been single and could hang out together just the two of them.

Luke put his laptop and paperwork in his bag and slung it over his shoulder as he made his way to the hospital after lunch.  The past week had gone by quickly and he was looking forward to another meeting and seeing Reid a second time that day.  Shaking his head ruefully at his last thought, yeah Luke had to admit he wanted to see the grumpy, sexy doctor again, gay or not he was easy on the eyes and Luke could fantasize, right?

“Hey Danny,” Luke said as he stepped off the working elevator, he’d checked before he got in and saw the young man standing at the nurses station.

“Hi Luke, how are you?” Danny returned his greeting, his light brown hair falling across his face.

“Good Danny, I’m doing good.  How about you?  Are you enjoying your summer in Oakdale?” Luke asked politely and Danny gave him a shy smile and then opened his mouth to reply when the elevator doors opened again.

His eyes widened and a blush stained his cheeks, Luke looked behind him and then turned seeing Ian step off the elevator.  Luke hid a smile at the sudden tension crackling in the air between the two young men.

“Hey Ian, you’re right on time,” Luke told him with a smile seeing the roll of blueprints in Ian’s hand.

“Uh, yeah, here’s the new drawings Luke,” Ian managed to get out handing them to Luke but his eyes were glued to Danny.

“Oh Ian, do you know Danny Hughes,” Luke asked turning back to a very flustered Danny and then back to Ian who was shaking his head, “Ian this is Danny Hughes, Danny this is Ian Jackson,” Luke introduced them and they shook hands and smiled shyly at one another.

Luke pulled the blueprints from Ian’s other hand and backed away from the two.  As Luke turned he came face to face with the amused gaze of Dr. Reid Oliver.  Although Reid’s eyes had a steely glint there was a small smile playing at his mouth, “Uhm, are you adding matchmaking to your already extensive resume, Mr. Snyder,” Reid said with a smirk and Luke looked at him in surprise.

“So he’s checked me out,” Luke thought and gave Reid a questioning look and Reid’s mouth opened but nothing came out as he realized what he’d just revealed.

“Everybody needs a little help sometimes,” Luke told Reid evenly glancing over to see Ian and Danny talking quietly, the body language showing an immediate attraction to one another.  Reid snorted in response, “Maybe I could help you Dr. Oliver, and find a nice girl for you,” Luke offered his voice light and teasing.

Reid looked Luke up and down, and then said casually, “I don’t need any help Mr. Snyder.”

“You got that right Oliver, besides Luke, Reid isn’t looking for a woman,” Chris Hughes suddenly appeared hearing Luke’s last comment walking past towards the meeting room.

Luke’s eyes widened at Chris’s words and Luke turned to look at Reid, “You’re gay?” he asked dumbfounded, he had his suspicions but he usually was a poor judge of these things.

Reid just nodded watching Luke coming to grips with the bombshell of information that Reid had just dropped, “Yep,” Reid said, as Luke’s mouth kept opening and closing.

“Why didn’t you say something?  I thought one of the reasons you didn’t want to help Noah and I was because we were gay,” Luke finally blurted out, it had crossed his mind that Dr. Oliver was discriminating against he and Noah.

“What difference would it have made Mr. Snyder,” Reid asked him seriously his sexuality was his business and he didn’t care about the sexuality of his patients.  He was a doctor and whomever you chose to love or sleep with was not his concern.

“I don’t know maybe it would’ve been easier to relate to one another,” Luke babbled and then couldn’t stop himself from whispering, “Are you that deep in the closet?”

“Mr. Snyder, I knew I was gay when I was ten years old and I’ve never hid it or apologized for it, ever,” Reid told Luke firmly and then added, “Do you require proof Mr. Snyder?  How would that work exactly?” and Reid’s voice dropped lower with those words and Luke felt a shiver go through his frame and a tightening start in his groin with Reid’s flirtatious words.

Luke stood mouth agape once again as Reid gave him a slow easy smile and peered at him under his auburn lashes.  The blue eyes were twinkling in amusement and something else as he turned and headed to the meeting room.  Luke was rooted to the spot and watched the gentle sway of Reid’s white coat, his throat felt dry and he tried to swallow the lump that had formed.  As his gaze followed Reid’s he suddenly wanted desperately to see what was under that coat.

dr. reid oliver, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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