Doc Chicago: Chapter #14

Jan 04, 2014 23:30

Title: Doc Chicago
Author: sajaal
Rating: G to R (just in case)
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Holden Snyder, Aaron Snyder, Dr. Bob Hughes, Katie Snyder and a myriad of atwt and original characters
Disclaimer: Not mine, and I really mean no harm and all mistakes are mine.

A/N:  This is partly AU and partly not.  I have to thank zzzfreckles for asking me to consider writing a Luke and Reid version of the movie Doc Hollywood starring Michael J. Fox.   I’ve been pondering the idea for quite a few months and it slowly formed in my head.  A fun-fic-Friday prompt lead me to the Prequel and I’ve changed a few things to fit my storyline…enjoy everyone!!!

A/N:  Hey everyone hope you've had wonderful holidays with your families, now that things have settled down a bit although I have many LURE Yule stories to read I thought I'd give you a Doc Chicago chapter for those who were wondering what was happening:-))

Chapter #14

Luke was feeling nervous the meeting at the hospital would include Dr. Oliver and he hadn’t seen him since that night at Yo’s.  Luke wasn’t happy seeing Aaron beside Reid at the bar but sighed in relief as he saw Bill hand him a beer and he headed back to he and Casey.  Casey man he had been so angry with Luke when he told him about his conversation with Noah and what Noah had asked Luke to do.  That Luke owed him for messing up things with Dr. Oliver.

After Luke’s disastrous conversation with Dr. Oliver, Casey was there again telling Luke that Dr. Oliver was a dick and that Noah was too.   Luke had to laugh at Casey’s antics and they spent a few minutes in the warm June night air as Luke collected his thoughts and emotions.

“Well I tried Case, and that’s what I told Noah.  I also warned him that Dr. Oliver didn’t like me very much and to not expect anything,” Luke told Casey as they stood side by side against the patio railing.

“Yeah dude, you did and you really can’t blame Dr. Oliver you were a pain in the ass a few months ago and yeah the blackmail stuff was lame dude,” Casey bluntly told Luke being brutally honest and hating what Luke had become because of Noah Mayer.

Luke wasn’t like that Luke was an easygoing fun loving guy who would never hurt a fly.  Casey’s heart ached watching Luke lose himself and he so wanted Luke to find someone who could bring back the real Luke Snyder.  As they walked back into the bar Casey looked over at Dr. Oliver, he had to look back because he wasn’t sure what he saw in those eyes.  Casey had his arm around Luke’s shoulder as they walked in and as he met Reid’s eyes he could’ve swore he say a challenge in them, but he shook his head and let his arm drop from Luke’s shoulder and Luke walked ahead of him.

This time when he looked back Dr. Oliver was not looking at him but his eyes followed Luke’s body as he walked to the pool table and this time Casey knew what he was seeing.  Dr. Oliver was checking Luke out and there was definite interest in those darkening blue eyes.  Casey didn’t say anything to Luke but he figured he would keep a closer eye on Dr. Reid Oliver from now on.  Something didn’t make sense yeah the guy might be a little put out about the blackmail but nothing had come of it.   So why was Dr. Reid Oliver so cold with Luke when he talked to him but his eyes were filled with heat when he watched Luke when Luke wasn’t looking.

“Hey Luke are you here for the meeting?” Casey asked as he came out of the elevator that jerked a little and Casey jumped out, “Whoa, they’ve been having problems with that elevator I better tell maintenance,” Casey said eying the elevator speculatively.

“Hey Case, yeah I was heading over to it,” Luke told Casey taking a deep breath, “I’m just worried about working with Dr. Oliver,” Luke admitted with a grimace.

Casey quirked an eyebrow and hid a smile as he ducked his head texting maintenance about the elevator, “I wouldn’t worry about Dr. Oliver Luke, just be yourself and he’ll realize what a great ca… guy you are,” Casey just about said “What a great catch” Luke would be.

Casey had done a little investigating of his own since Saturday night and it had only taken one comment to his uncle Chris to get the real story.

“So I wonder how Katie likes living with Dr. Oliver, I hope he doesn’t hit on her,” Casey had said to Chris knowing Chris and Katie had been out a few times.

Chris had snorted in derision, “No worries their Casey, Dr. Reid Oliver has absolutely no interest in Katie if you know what I mean.”

“Oh, so he’s married or does he have a steady girlfriend?” Casey had asked he wanted absolute confirmation that he was right about Dr. Reid Oliver.

Chris chuckled, “Ah, no, not a wife or girlfriend, Dr. Reid Oliver isn’t interested in women Casey, he’s gay, and as far a I know he doesn’t have a boyfriend either,” Chris smirked his hands crossed in front of his chest acting like his usual superior self.

Casey shrugged he hated Chris’s I’m better than anyone else mentality, “Oh well that’s good for you then,” and he slapped Chris on the shoulder wondering if Chris would get the subtle insult but Case figured he wouldn’t.

Luke looked at Casey curiously after his comment, “Why do you say that Casey?” Luke asked frowning not understanding what Casey was telling him Dr. Oliver didn’t like him.

Albeit a few times when there eyes met Luke could feel that inexplicable pull and awareness of the man but Luke shook his head, “I’m just being ridiculous, he’s not even gay,” he chastised himself for his fanciful musings.

“Luke how are you feeling today?” Dr. Bob Hughes asked coming up beside Luke and they made there way to one of the boardrooms.

“I’m good Bob, very good,” Luke said with a smile giving a nod to Casey as he walked with Bob into the boardroom.

As they walked in they saw Reid standing over the blueprints of the new wing a frown furrowing his brow.

“Hello Dr. Oliver, I see you’ve been busy the last few days,” Bob chuckled waving a sheaf of papers in his hands that were filled with the instruments and equipment that was needed to outfit the neurology wing.

Reid looked up seeing Luke but shifted his gaze quickly to fix on Bob, “You asked for my help Dr. Hughes,” Reid challenged and Bob lifted an eyebrow in response, “That’s a list of most of the instruments and equipment in my clinic in Dallas,” he said firmly frowning more as he realized it wasn’t his anymore.

“Don’t get me wrong Dr. Oliver, I appreciate your help, but if I put all of these in the new addition then we won’t have any money left for the other departments,” Bob told Reid honestly, “I want the best neurology facility but I want pediatrics and obstetrics getting there fair share.”

Reid waved his hand in dismissal,” Who cares about the kids and babies, you want a state of the art neurology facility first,” Reid started and held his hand up at the two men’s gasps and aghast expressions, “Then with the money coming in from that facility it can help fund the other two,” he added smugly knowing the two men were in shock from his outrageous comment.

“Uhm, Dr. Oliver I’m sure there’s a way that we can compromise and make the addition work for the good of the whole hospital not just the neurology department,” Luke offered reasonably, as usual trying to make everyone happy.

“I’m not good a compromising Mr. Snyder, you want a neurology facility that rivals the one I have or had in Dallas,” Reid corrected and Luke’s eyes widened with the admission, knowing there’s a story behind that comment he thought as his eyes narrowed on the man in front of him, “Then you need to pay for it,” Reid added holding Luke’s questioning gaze, watching the mouth open then shut as other people made there way into the boardroom.

Bob had been watching the exchange between Luke and Reid with amusement not quite understanding Reid’s animosity towards Luke.  Surely he wasn’t still angry with Luke for the whole Noah debacle that was done and over,” he thought as he looked over the plans.  “So what do you think Dr. Oliver?” Bob asked wondering what his temperamental charge would say about them.

“Oh yeah, Bob what’s this area for?” Reid gestured to a section showing open rooms one large and three or four smaller ones.

“Oh that’s the waiting area and then overnight rooms for the families of patients in surgery or in the ICU,” Bob explained and looked over at Luke, “Luke suggested we make some room for families of patients who are waiting so they can be more comfortable.”

Reid snorted, “ It’s a waste of valuable space Dr. Hughes that we could use for diagnostic labs so we can get results faster and helping our patients is our main goal not the families,” Reid stated coldly and Luke’s brown eyes flared with anger.

“Dr. Oliver,” he bit out, and Reid’s head jerked up meeting that angry brown eyed gaze, “Have you ever had to wait when someone you loved was in surgery, the waiting rooms are usually filled with uncomfortable chairs that you sit on or have cold tiled floors that you pace for hours as you wonder if they will be alright.”

Reid didn’t say anything but had a hazy memory of he and his father sitting in a cold sterile waiting room.  He remembered the hard blue chairs, blue tiled floor and blue walls, it’s all his six-year old mind could remember that everything was cold and blue.

“It’s horrible, you’re supposed to be supportive but that waiting room can make you feel completely helpless,” Luke continued his anger fading being replaced with sadness, “A quiet comfortable place to wait or stay overnight so you can be there if your loved one wakes up is not a lot to ask,” Luke finished softly turning to walk a way and sit at the far end of the table.

“Being your usual charming self I see Oliver,” Chris quipped as he walked in seeing and hearing the tail end of the conversation.

Reid scowled at Chris and then looked down the table at a very quiet Luke Snyder before taking a seat on the opposite end of the table sighing and rubbing his very sore wrist.  He knew he was being unreasonable with Luke but he blamed it on the physical therapy he’d had for his wrist earlier with Brune Hilda as he called her.   His wrist and fingers ached from the movements, “No pain no gain Dr. Oliver,” Louise Rowe kept telling him, and he wasn’t in a very good mood and as usual Luke Snyder became the target of his grumpiness.

dr. reid oliver, atwt, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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