Five Days, Five Questions Meme, Day 2

Feb 05, 2015 18:15

1. What is the meaning behind your LJ name?
2. What was your favorite childhood book or books?
3. What is your favorite recipe and why? Try to post the recipe if you have time.
4. What are the top 5 things on your wish list?
5. What do you collect?

2. My absolute favorite was Beloved Benjamin is Waiting by Jean Carl. It was so mysterious and spooky, but in a kid-friendly way. Other books I loved were The Haunted Night by Joan Phipson, practically anything by Judy Blume (the Fudge books), lots of stuff by Beverly Cleary (especially The Mouse and the Motorcycle), Bunnicula, the Choose Your Own Adventure books, this crafting book I found among my mom's books that had all sorts of paper crafts as well as homemade clay and stuff like that in it, probably more I'm not remembering right now.

When I was a kid, I loved to read, and we had the Bluebonnet Books to look forward to every year. Bluebonnet Books were books chosen by the state education board as excellent books for children to read. If you read all of them, you got some kind of prize. It was always a great source of good books. The only problem was, they always had some boring sports book on the list, so I don't think I ever completed the entire thing because I refused to read those. :D

beloved benjamin is waiting, books, surveys, memes

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