Five Days, Five Questions Meme

Feb 05, 2015 00:21

Saw it on casey28's journal. Five questions answered one by one over five days.

1. What is the meaning behind your LJ name?
2. What was your favorite childhood book or books?
3. What is your favorite recipe and why? Try to post the recipe if you have time.
4. What are the top 5 things on your wish list?
5. What do you collect?

1. It's a reference to Sailor Moon. I started a fanfic back in 1999 (looooooong time ago) with my own created fansenshi, including Sailorhathor. (Senshi is the Japanese word for soldier.) If you're not familiar with Sailor Moon, it's a Japanese TV show about female superheroes ("soldiers of love") that are based on the planets and their satellites. (The Moon being our only natural satellite.) Hathor is the name of an asteroid in the Aten asteroid belt. Her magical powers are based on the Egyptian goddess Hathor, for whom the asteroid is named. Hathor is my favorite goddess of all time, so I adopted the name as my "fandom" name. I've tried other nicknames, but it's the one that's stuck the most.

lj stuff, fanfics, surveys, memes

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