And here goes the rest of the random crap that I drabble in. Most of there are from
Porn Battle. And most of them are probably brain-breaking.
The Dark Side of the Moon Mulan (Mulan/Shang)
Photo Enlarged to Show Texture Cereal mascots (Count Chocula/Cap'n Crunch)
I've Got You Now(Cap'n Crunch/Lucky the Leprechaun)
Blood Brothers Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (Tommy/Jason)
The veeeeery first fandom I actually got involved in. Actually, despite what is shown here, I was more interested in the Megaman X fandom, I just found it too complicated to write in.
White Roses(Rock/Forte)
White Roses White Roses II, Ch1 White Roses II, Ch2 White Roses: Family Matters Happy Holidays
Ch1: The Night Before Christmas Ch2: Under the Mistletoe Ch3: St. Patty's Day Ch4: Gift Giving Ch5: Happy Fourth of July Ch6: Happy Halloween Misc
Rush's Drive Death Means a New Beginning
Interview with a Mad Scientist: Wily Interview with a Mad Scientist: Forte Checkers
Okay, once upon forever ago, Fira Flame and I used to roleplay over AIM. The setting was The Chatroom, and each of us had several characters we'd play as. The most common two were Sephiroth (FFVII, played by Fira) and Zero (Megaman X, played by me) It was eventually decided that, while we wouldn't roleplay such, it'd be really fucking hot if they slept together.
I make no excuses for this. Familiarity with either MMX or FFVII is not quite necessary to enjoy the following, though I would suggest at least one brief wiki search.
And as for the name 'Checkers', do an image search of them both.
Checkers in the Chatroom*
Ridiculous Jealousy *Warning: Entries tagged with an asterisk are 18+