PB - I've Got You Now

Nov 07, 2009 00:05

Title: I've Got You Now
Fandom: Cereal Mascots
Characters/pairings: Cap'n Crunch/Lucky the Leprechaun
Rating: R-ish
Summary: Each carved marshmallow charm held it's own power. The Cap'n goes looking for one.
Warnings: Brainhurt, child-hood-raping mental images, excessive liberties taken with 90's commercials.
Notes: More porn battle cereal mascot crack. There is a special place in hell reserved for me.

Table of Contents

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He ignored the tiny fellow trailing him, paying no attention to the sly grabs at his attention. He focused instead on the lovely marshmallow fruits hanging from the trees he passed under, each with it's own magic waiting to be released by careful carving and shaping and polishing. each plant with it's own shape, it's on color, it's own place in the chant, 'hearts, stars, and horseshoes,' and he could practically feel the leprechaun's frustration against the back of his head.

Time passed, and he strolled from beneath the trees into the wide clover field, his coat dusted with blue powder from the moon-flower bushes he passed. His ignored companion followed, more bold in his teasing, more annoyed at being cast aside. Finally, the leprechaun made a mistake, a too-bold move, grabbing at his coat. He'd spent far too many years in seedy ports along the MilkSea to not have his reflexes honed, no matter how old Tony teased him for being. He caught a tiny wrist in his hand, bird-frail bones grinding, but there was strength there, too, vicious strength and he all of a sudden had his arms full of spitting, hissing red-headed fury.

Charms rang in his ears as they fell to the ground. Charms for the moon's befuddlement, for the pound of a horse's shod hoof, for his luck to run out and his lust to compel him to a mistake. He ignored them all, focusing only on getting his weight on top of the red-haired imp and force him to yield.

Eventually, the imp quieted, his eyes snapping with anger and - glee? Maybe. Who knew with leprechauns? "Y' caught me, Cap'n," he said. Oh yes, he was entertained. "What will y'take o'me?"

And the roll of the imp's hips left nothing to be desired and everything to be wanted, all at once. His low shudder did not go unnoticed, but he ignored the fierce jab of desire, anyway. "The rainbow charm, fairy," he demanded.

A look of surprise. "Always wan' a path home, do ye?" he asked, laughing. "Not gold or luck, eh? Ah, but you would. Very well, it's yours." A heavy weight in his pocket, that he dared not lift his hand to check. The leprechaun was commanded by his own laws in this, anyway.

But even though he was undoubtedly the winner, it could always be challenged. The leprechaun rolled his hips again. "Care to wager I cannae win it back?" he asked, grinning. "If you win, I'll throw in a clover for good luck."

He thought about it for only a moment. The rainbow was the precious one, and his men wouldn't think less of him if he went back and said he'd lost, but to come back with two... "No using any charms," he said, releasing one thin wrist to shrug out of his coat instead. Lucky laughed and tangled narrow fingers in his beard to pull him down for a kiss.

porn battle, ghay, crack, cereal

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