White Roses II, Ch2

Oct 07, 2001 08:37

Title: White Roses II, Ch2
Fandom: Megaman
Characters/pairings: Rockman/Forte, Blues
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Rock and Forte carry on their affair, both trying to protect the other from their families.
Warnings: Slash, bad writing
Notes: Old writing, from waaaaay back in the day, in it's mostly original format (very minor corrections may have been made)

o o o

Forte pulled a small pad of paper from a drawer in his dresser, followed by a black pen. It was before sunrise and he was preparing to head to Rock's house to leave another invitation. He walked to the window and prepared to call Gospel when a voice interrupted.

"I wouldn't leave if I were you."

Forte whipped around to see Tengu man standing in the doorway with a sneer planted on his face. "What the hell do you want?" Forte snarled.

Tengu man's smile widened. "Oh, it's not what I want, it's what Wily wants." He said, walking forward. "Seems that he wants to know what you've learned of Rockman since your 'observations' started."

Forte definitely did not like the way he said 'observations.' "Tell him I'll let him know later. I've got things to do." He turned away.

"I think not." Tengu man said flatly. Forte turned to tell the other off but was stopped when he saw what Tengu man held. A wine bottle cork.

"What, I'm supposed to be scared?" Forte asked.

"'Every time I see you, I'm treating it as if it were our last.'" Tengu man said, mocking Forte's voice. Forte froze. "Seems your observations went 'deeper' than we thought, hm? So what's he taste like?"

Forte's face twisted with hate. "Say another word and I'll kill you." He said flatly.

"Wily wants you down in the lab now." Tengu man said. "If you value your life, you'll go."

Forte froze for a moment, then made a movement with his hand. Tengu man turned in time to be knocked over by a flying black-purple blur. The last thing he saw was Gospel's blood red eyes before his head was obliterated by a violet blast from Forte's buster.

Forte wrote quickly on the top sheet of paper as Gospel effectively clawed open Tengu man's chest and destroyed the memory cards within. "Here, Gospel." Forte said, ripping the note off and handing it to the lupinoid. "Take this to Rockman." Gospel whined uneasily. "Please." Forte pleaded. "He won't hurt you. If you go fast, they won't know you're gone. Hurry and bring Rock back here." Gospel nodded once and leapt out the window. Forte went to the window to watch the dark shape of his best friend streak away in the pre-dawn gloom. He only hoped Gospel could get to the barrier surrounding Skull Castle before any of the Robot Masters noticed.

Forte whipped around as his door crashed open, his armor sliding in place over his clothes. Clown man, Guts man and Snake man all came in, freezing at the sight of Tengu man's twisted remains of the floor.

"Oh boy." Clown man said gleefully. "Wily is gonna be PISSED."

"Come on you son's of bitches." Forte said, dropping into a crouching position. A wolfish grin spread across his face. "Let's Rumba. Hell's in need of some new recruits." The three Robot Masters looked at each other before launching themselves at Forte.

Not for nothing was Forte considered Wily's greatest work. He twisted and turned with fluid ease, avoiding the attacks of the other bots. If it had remained just those three, he would have won quickly. But others came running, all intent of subduing the whirling black and gold blur that was Forte. Forte found himself smashed against the wall, held in place by Guts mans' massive fist at his neck and manacles of ice on his legs. He snarled and struggled, heaping curses on all in the room. Then a voice in the hall caught his attention.

"Move, move, move! Get out of my way! Move it, Clown. Snake, get your tail out of the way. Dammit Frost, move!" Dr. Wily made his way to where Forte was pinned to the wall. Wily was pleased to see the pure hate that shone out from Forte's red eyes. "So, you've found yourself a play-toy, have you?" he asked snidely. The Robot Masters laughed and Forte told Wily to go perform an impossible act of masturbation. Wily gave him a superior smile. "No, thank you, but I'm sure Rock would for you." The laughter rang out loudly and Forte raged against Guts mans hand, trying vainly to rip Wily's head off. "Hold him still." Wily commanded, moving forward. In his hand he held a hypodermic syringe. He plunged it into Forte's arm just above the black armor. Forte screamed as pain ran through his body from the spot, paralyzing everything, lastly his sight.

o o o

"Blues!" Rock yelled joyfully, launching himself at his brother.

"Whoa, hey." Blues said with a laugh as he caught Rock in an embrace. "Let me get in the door first, huh?"

Rock laughed as he ended the embrace. "I'm just happy to see you." He said.

"Well, I'm happy to see you too." Blues said. "Provided you're not pregnant." Rock went red.


"Uh, oh." Blues muttered as he caught sight of Roll marching down the front steps. "I'm in for it now."

"You're an ass." Roll said, hands on her hips. "But I won't yell at you now since you just came home. But leave Rock alone, huh?"

"Ok, ok." Blues said, waving his hands defensively. "I'll lay off the jokes." The three siblings linked arms and turned to go back inside when a whine reached their ears. Blues turned first and froze. Gospel stood on the walk behind them. "Shit." Blues said, calling his armor.

"Wait!" Rock said, holding out his arm to stop Blues from attacking the wolf. He saw the paper in Gospel's mouth and walked forward. Gospel watched him mistrustfully but gave up the paper willingly enough. Rock read it and his face drained of all color. "Good boy." He murmured absently at Gospel. "Thank you."

"Rock?" Roll asked. "What is it?"

"I have to go." Rock said. "He's in trouble."

"Who?" Roll asked "Your lover?"

Rock nodded. "He needs my help."

"Wait a sec." Blues said. "Why would Gospel be here-oh hell NO!" Rock found himself held up by Blues hands twined in the front of his shirt. "What the hell do you mean?" Blues all but snarled, their faces inches apart. "Do you mean to tell me that you've been sleeping with that hate-filled ebony freak this whole time?"

"Forte is no hateful freak." Rock said angrily. "He's kind and gentle and we're happy together. And I refuse to let go of that happiness. Now put me down." Blues sat Rock back on his feet. "Gospel." Rock said, turning to the wolf. "Will you show Rush and I the way?" Gospel nodded. "Good. Rush!" Rock called "Let's go!"

"Wait." Blues said. "I'm coming too."

Rock didn't take the time to argue. He merely nodded and placed one hand on Gospels head, the other on Rush. Blues gripped Rock's shoulder. A second later they all teleported away.

Roll stood for a moment, then bent to pick up the note that lay on the ground. Only two words were scribbled on the paper.

Wily Knows

o o o

Two biroids and two lupinoids formed on the edge of a huge bare field. Far away at the center, they could see the looming shape that was Skull Fortress. Directly before them they could see the field that kept them from teleporting in. Gospel walked through it and looked back, waiting for the Light bots to follow. After a moment they did and the four broke into a run towards the castle.

"Do you have any plan for getting in without dying?" Blues asked.

Rock thought for a moment. "Not one."

"Well I do. That is, if this isn't a trap."

"It's not."

"How do you know?"

"I just do. Forte's in trouble and he needs our help."

Blues sighed. The thought of Rock being with that fanged freak filled him with a mix of anger, loathing and fear for his brother's safety. "Oh well." He muttered aloud. "Better Forte than Grenade man."



As they approached skull Castle, Blues began searching the surface for something. Just as they came up he found it. "This way." He told the others, leading the way towards the ventilation duct he had spotted.

o o o

Dr. Wily stood in his lab, gloating over the still form of Forte strapped to the table. Most of the dozen Robot Masters currently alive gathered around. At first he hadn't believed Tengu man when the Wind robot had told him of Rock and Forte's meetings but the robot proved it with a few photographs. Now the traitorous robot would be reprogrammed to do what Wily said. Wily grinned at the thought of what Rock's face would look like when he was ripped apart by his former lover. Picking up a tool, Wily bent to open Forte's chest plate, but he was interrupted by a commotion in the hall- way.

"Out of my way, out of my way, out of my way!" called out a voice. Yells came from the other Robot Masters in the hall just before the lab door blew open, revealing Blues. "Well, lookie here!" the oldest biroid said cheerfully. "Y'all had a party and didn't tell me?"

"Kill him." Wily commanded.

"I wouldn't do that." Said a voice in his ear. Something round and hard was pressed against the back of his head. Wily turned to see Rock standing with his buster to back of his head. "Call them off." Rock said, tilting his head to indicate the bots currently swarming towards Blues.

"Stop!" Wily commanded. The biroids' turned to see their master held hostage by an irate Rock. "What do you want?" Wily asked the two Light bots.

"Forte." Rock replied. "Hand him over and we'll leave."

"And if I don't? You can't kill me."

"Don't try me, Wily." Rock snapped. "It just may be that I can kill you. I've become very human-like lately. Could be that my emotions get the better of me." He prodded the buster into the back of Wily's neck to make his point. "Now step back like a good human and let us take him." He looked up at the Robot Masters. "One move and the good Doctor dies." Rock said flatly.

Slowly Wily backed away from the table, his face twisted. Blues moved forward and unstrapped Forte. "Wake up time, Cobra." He said, sitting Forte up.

Forte groaned and slowly came to, his whole body a mass of pain. His mind cleared enough to see who was supporting him. "Blues?"

"C'mon before I change my mind." Blues replied briskly. He helped Forte stand, Forte's arm over his shoulder and his arm around Forte's waist. "Let's blow this dump." Forte nodded and they walked towards the door. Rock followed them, walking backwards to keep his aim on Wily.

"Wait." Wily said, his hand going to his pocket. Rock tensed. Wily pulled out a remote of some sort. "This is Forte's destruction remote. If I push this little button, his memory goes boom. His body will be fine, but his brain will be so much metal dust."

"You do and I'll kill you." Rock said.

"But Forte will go with me." Wily replied. He held up the remote, his finger on the button. "And I don't think you'll be able to shoot it before I press." He finished with a sneer. Rock's gaze ticked between the remote and Wily's face once, twice, before glancing behind Wily. Wily got in a half turn before the remote was shot from his hand. It jumped in the air and was shot again. Wily stared at his new assailant. Roll stood behind him, a slim blaster on her right arm.

"Boys." She said with a sigh. "They never think things through." She walked over to her brothers and Forte, making sure to step on the twisted remains of the remote as she passed. "Let's go." She said. Blues nodded and helped Forte walk out the door to where Gospel and Rush were waiting in flight form.

Rock waited until Forte was sitting on Gospels widened back before dashing out the door. Roll and Blues were already standing on Rush and waiting. Rock jumped on Gospels back, standing behind Forte. He wrapped his arms around Forte's shoulders and Gospel took off, flying down the hall with Rush close behind.

Blues glanced behind him. Already the Robot Masters were in pursuit. They had to get out of this castle. Gospel already seemed to realize this and was headed towards a tall, thin window. Rock raised his blaster and shot the window out. The lupinoids and their passengers flew out into the warm summer morning.

They flew towards the edge of the barrier, Rock helping Forte to stand and Roll with both arms around Blues' waist. Roll couldn't help but stare at Rock and Forte. "Who would've thunk?" she said softly.

"I know." Blues replied. He looked back at Roll. "And who said you could come?"

"I did." She replied. "Somehow I knew you two'd bung this up." Blues rolled his eyes and looked forward. They were coming to the edge of the barrier now. As soon as they passed, six beams of light shot into the sky towards the Light home.

megaman, ghay, series: white roses

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