
Nov 13, 2008 01:07

Just wanted to say that tomorrow I'll be working on something fun to post here in the next couple days! So keep your eye out for that. :)

On a not-so-awesome note, I just planned out my schoolwork for the next week (it may be micro-managing and dorky, but hey, it helps me with my time management) and this coming week is going to be CRAZY in terms of work. It certainly doesn't help that my free time will be severely diminished the next three days due to dance show (OMGyay!), so I'm already struggling to find time to get things done. It's a little overwhelming. But I'm remaining positive.

Also, I just realized I didn't update all my icons to dance-related ones, which I always do on dance show tech week! I will do that now for good luck. ;)


school, random

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